Taking a swim- Part 1

Belle still had her boney arms around Lucas' neck. When she finally pulled away after the close corruption that took place in her body, she felt like she could breathe again. Her senses were back where she was not in an agony of pain or was not able to see anything. 

"What if I return back to the mortal form?" Belle asked Lucas. Right now all they had done was stop the process but the moment her body would return back, the corruption would continue and her body was not far from completing the process. She didn't know if there was a way to fix it. 

"Let's make sure you turn back to your mortal form," replied Lucas, his hand moved to place on Belle's boney head.

"This feels weird," she muttered and she noticed how Lucas' skull moved with the facial expression.

"Do you feel alright or do you need to rest?" Lucas asked her, making sure that she was completely okay in her skeleton form.