The soul- Part 2

Belle took the stuffed rabbit back in her hand, where Barron had been stuck for weeks. Like Greed she also shook the rabbit's body but nothing happened. She received no response from him. She was sure she had stopped the reaper on time before his scythe could come in contact with Mr. Fluffs body. If Belle had her heart right now, it could be heard beating loud out of worry. She pressed the rabbit's hand but there was nothing as if it was nothing but a piece of a stuffed doll.

"Barron?" Belle called his name. 

After knocking the mighouls unconscious, Lucas and Rower arrived at the room where Belle and Greed. Lucas looked at Belle who held the rabbit in her hands, "He's not responding anymore," she said to him.

Lucas moved closer, taking hold of the rabbit, Rower turned around to notice the death reaper who stood there like a statue, "I didn't know Beezlebee was helping Winston."