Chapter 388: Brother

"Anyway, don't forget to send me the information if you find any match of these two. I need to know who they are and who they worked for," Ryder said as he disconnected the call.

"Do you know how these two men brought you here?" He turned back and asked Alice.

"They jumped through the wall and forced us to do the same at gunpoint. We snuck inside," Alice replied to Ryder. 

"It's not easy to sneak inside this place. To find such lax security, either they are really talented, or they had insider help," Ryder muttered, hearing her words. 

He turned to Esmi and informed her, "I'll take them home. Send me the CCTV footage of your entrance. I want to know if one of your men helped them enter. If one of them is involved, it'll make it easier for us to get another trail."

Esmi nodded her head. "I will send you the footage."

He rubbed the head of Alice gently. He glanced at the other girl. "Let's go. I'll take you both home."