Chapter 401: Shu's Death?

"We already have the media in our hands. As for the resources, we don't lack them either. We can definitely bring them to ruins. Just a little bad PR for necrosis, and we can do it," Mark suggested during the meeting.

Shu gazed at Mark and didn't say anything.

"Mark is right," Fisch also chimed in. "If we can create fear in the public about the safety of the Necrosis products, that would make us win most of the war easily. When Necrosis is ruined, we can buy them and take over their tech. You know how the public is. We can easily make this work in our favor. The public will never know the truth."

"The trust in Necrosis would hit rock bottom. Their shares will go back to where they came from. It would be much easier to swallow than whole during their fall," he continued.

"What about you, Drake? What's your opinion?" Shu asked softly. There wasn't a single emotion visible on Shu's face.