In Your Arms

It shouldn't have taken too long, yet he seemed nowhere to be found. Chan Lee already found herself in the city district, the sun blazing hot on her body and burned her lungs. She could hardly breathe. The sweltering heat was torture but here she was, looking for any sight of a frost-haired boy.

Her heart ached.

Was he kidnapped? Chan Lee knew that Han Jing wanted them to speak with Hua Zhao in person in regards to this situation, but she couldn't wait any longer and sent a message:

'Zhao did you take Xue someplace else?'

A little seed of hope.

In a couple of minutes, the guy finally responded.

'What? No. I left him at your apartment. Why?'

It was crushed down in that moment.

'He's missing.'


'Are you sure? Maybe he left with his friend?'

She didn't reply to him after that. Xue would have at least said goodbye right? And he had promised her. He had promised her that he wasn't going anywhere so it wouldn't be possible that he left like that… She needed to find him.

"Excuse me, have you seen a man with long white hair?" She asked another stranger who simply walked past her.

Not even sparing a glance in her direction.

Her heart panged, as other people pushed past her, leaving her alone.

She hated this.

She wanted to scream.

This wasn't fair.

Xue wouldn't have left her at all.

Unless he was kidnapped.

Unless Kit or even Zhao had taken him away and was only feigning ignorance. She shook her head. She didn't want to accuse anyone.

Moments later she sent another text to Hua Zhao.

'Did you really not take him someplace else?'

'Are you putting the blame on me?' Hua Zhao replied instantly.

'No, I'm just...worried.' She chewed the inside of her mouth, her vision blurring for a moment before hitting the reply. Was he alright, right now? Did Kit take him away? He wouldn't do that right? Take Xue away by force? How could she find him if that was the case?

Not long after, the man replied. 'I hope you find him, but it's also better if you let them be. Humans and spirits don't intermingle.'

'Okay, thank you.' It was a numb reply.

She had hoped that he would have replied differently, that he would come and help them. But, Han Jing was right—it looked like Hua Zhao was only concerned with her. Or humans for that matter. But she really had hoped he would have come here.

It was really a nonsensical thought of hers. She grasped her knitted brow for a moment. She would find him. No matter what.

Minutes flew quickly, until she saw a familiar figure approaching her. "Chan Lee, any luck?" Han Jing's voice pulled her away from her thoughts. The sight of the usual homebody now running across the streets.

He really was something else.

She managed a smile and shook her head. "No, not at all. Hua Zhao doesn't know either."

"You contacted him?" He asked with a small frown.

She averted her gaze. "Yeah…"

"Hey, maybe we should get back home soon, you missed your class this afternoon, but you probably should attend the next one."

"Woah, am I really talking with the same Han Jing?" She managed a grin. She couldn't stop now, they still haven't found him.

He playfully karate-chopped her head. "Don't patronize me or anything, the heat is messing with your head." He sighed and gave another look around their surroundings. "I don't think he would have gone very far… maybe he's just near our place, so come on." He gave her a tired smile. "If that doesn't seem to be the case, I'll go look for him by myself."

His words brought her back to somberness and she simply looked at his worn out face. He had been quite helpful towards her again, he deserved some rest instead of promising such things.

"Okay." But she didn't say anything about that.

It took them about half an hour to return to their area on foot, the apartment now in sight. There was a lack of conversation in the air between them, perhaps brought on by both tiredness and intangibility of what to talk about.

What she had told Xue earlier on was right, she snuck a glance at Han Jing. They really were just neighbors.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Er, just comparing our heights." She was just around his shoulders, Chan Lee let out a defeated sigh.

He snickered. "Hah, pipsqueak."

"...and thank you." She finally said it, scratching her cheek.

"What was that?"

"Geez, I think you heard it the first time." She muttered and kicked a stray can in their path. "Thank you."

"I guess there's nothing else but to say you're wel—"

When she looked up, her gaze fell on a person standing in the distance. It would have been impossible to tell, especially with their back turned away from them, but his hair was a clear indicator. It was as if he were waiting for them. "Xue!"

It was him.

"Miss Chan Lee?" He glanced their way, his face lighting up into a warm smile.

It really was him.

Her legs were already propelling her forward. "Xue!" In a matter of moments she threw herself into his arms.

The man staggered for a moment but managed to balance themselves, steadying her in his arms. "Chan Lee?" His voice held a clearly confused tone, but he held her—grasping her arms before slipping into a more natural one. He pulled her into his arms, a tight embrace that left her a little breathless.

"I thought you left." She muttered, resting her head on his shoulder. Her heart racing in her chest. "I really thought you were gone."

He let out a soft chuckle, "I already told you that I'm not going anywhere, didn't I?"

"You did." She let out a loud sigh and buried her face into his shoulder. The scent of a fresh, earthy fragrance clinging to him, a calming scent that eased her heart. "You did say that." She whispered into his shirt, allowing herself a moment of rest.

"It seems that the reason why I couldn't find Han Jing was because you two were together." Xue spoke up, probably to the approaching guy.

"We were looking for you, idiot." She could hear the annoyance in Han Jing's tone and could imagine him rolling his eyes. "Where'd you end up in? Did you tumble into some kind of rabbit hole?"

"Perhaps?" Xue laughed a bit and slowly pulled away from her. His gaze lingered on her, a sheepish expression on his face. "I have to apologize to you, Miss Chan Lee… we may have been found out."

"Found out?" She raised a brow and tilted her head.

"Found out?!" Han Jing was more alarmed than her. "Found out what?!"

Xue scratched the back of his neck. "I met Madam Dongxia today and she discovered I was living with you."

"Oh." Chan Lee felt her face heat up, her initial relief of finding him still overwhelming her to feel anything beyond it. "I see…"

"You see?" Han Jing slapped a hand over his face. "When's the evacuation, bunny boy?" He turned to Xue.

"She actually allowed me to stay with Miss Chan Lee."

"W-What?!" Han Jing gawked. "She nearly castrated me and threw me out but she's allowing you to live with her—where's the justice in this world?!" He groaned and raised his fist into the air. "What is this?!"

Chan Lee stared at the scene he was making and shook her head, "You're dramatic as ever, Han Jing."

The man dropped his fist and nonchalantly shrugged, "Well, I'm glad things are settled. You found him and he's allowed to stay with you. Happily ever after and whatnot…" He put his hands into his pockets. "I guess I'm going back to my room and continue playing again. Try not to bother me guys, okay?"

"Can't I thank you or anything?" Chan Lee asked him. He helped her today and for a lot of things actually. Simply a word of gratitude wasn't enough. "Is there anything you want?"

Han Jing chuckled and stepped into the apartment. "Nothing you can give. But consider that you owe me one, I'll collect your debt later. See ya—" The sound of him going up the stairs soon resounded and then finally faded away.

"He really likes making a scene." Chan Lee pursed her lips together, "Nothing I can give, geez." It managed to settle her emotions down a bit as her attention fleeted back to Xue.

The one who managed to make her burst into tears today.

The one who promised to never leave her side.

The guy she recklessly embraced.

Her cheeks now felt hot. The embarrassment was now becoming more apparent to her. Her actions now felt real—she really did jump into his arms. She covered her hand with a face, what a display.

"Miss Chan Lee?" His voice called for her attention.

"Yes, Xue?" Spreading her fingers a bit, she peeked in the spaces between them. Deep breaths. Calm down.

"Shall we head back home?" He asked with such an innocent smile.


"Yeah, let's go home."