"Hey, Chan Lee? You're spacing out!" Mei waved a hand in front of her face.
She stepped back from the woman and let out a small laugh. "My bad, er… I just remembered something I had to do after this."
"Oh, won't you be able to join us for breakfast?" Suyin tilted a head at her.
Chan Lee blinked at her, "O-oh, unfortunately not. But I'll catch you guys later if I finish up fast." Those words spilled out before she could even consider them.
"Well better hurry up then, we'll try to wait for you." Gen remarked with a pout.
Xiaobo raised a brow. "Huh? Gen waiting for someone? That's new."
"Pfft, I agree with Xiaobo, those are big words from him." Suyin snorted.
"Uh, you guys don't have to wait!" Chan Lee waved a hand at them, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. "I'm not really sure if I'll be able to finish quickly."
"Well, that's fine. Maybe next time again then?" Mei smiled as they finally reached their coach who was taking down their attendance.
"Yep! I'll see you guys in class." Chan Lee jotted down her name in the attendance and bade them goodbye. She sprinted past the crowd of students who were still walking together in groups, searching for her target.
She could have waited to approach him about this in class, but she needed to talk it over with somewhere private. Her bag felt a bit heavy now with the flask inside it. Now where was that guy?
He was nowhere to be found around the crowd of people. Had they finished earlier and headed out? Then that meant they could be anywhere in the university now...drats. She had to cross out the library as she doubted that his group would be there, the cafeteria was the most possible spot then.
She had to hurry up then, Chan Lee made her way past the crowds and sprinted past them. It must have been a little odd for someone to be so active early in the morning but she had to—
"Look who's running around the hallways." A soft chuckle had her stopping in her tracks. She looked up to the man in front of her, an amused smile on their face. "I didn't peg you as an unruly one."
"Um, excuse my behavior." Chan Lee ducked her head low. Out of all the people, in a large university like this… how could they have met?
"I suppose I'll let this one slide," Liu Guiren smiled slightly. "It seems you're awfully in a hurry when it's so early in the morning. Are you running late for a class?"
She quirked a brow at him. "Do you not attend the mandatory morning run, President?" Now that she had to give her full attention to him, she noticed how refreshed he looked. It was as if he had simply walked out of a fashion show.
His lips curved into a wider one, "Ah you seem to be redirecting the question to me."
"Well, I can't help but notice how clean you are. Even some people who walk at a turtle's pace are surely to look even a little bit wearied down." Chan Lee explained while wanting to bite down her tongue.
She needed to go.
"I suppose I do have some student perks." Liu Guiren nodded, "It seems that I'm interrupting you though, your gaze is darting left and right. Perchance you're looking for someone."
"I um.. Yes. So I have to go."
"By all means, please leave me. Forgive my intrusion." Liu Guiren bowed a bit, motioning for her to go ahead.
She was quick to take advantage of that offer and slipped away into the crowd, waving a hand. "Thank you! Uh, have a good day!"
That was much easier than she thought, she had expected him to be chatty but instead all she needed to do was ask and he simply let her be. That was a little refreshing.
Soon enough she caught the sight of a familiar long-haired man with his group of friends. "Hua Zhao!" She called out and immediately regretted it as his group turned to her quickly. She could feel Ning Bi sending silent daggers at her.
"And Bo Ling~! With friends." Bo Ling added with a cheerful laugh, it was enough to dispel the awkward atmosphere. "Hi, Chan Lee right?"
"Um yeah," She could feel their eyes on her. "Can I borrow Hua Zhao real quick?"
"By all means, go ahead and get him."
"It could be easier if you asked me instead of asking my friends." The voice was clipped but it no doubt belonged to Hua Zhao. "A little bit more respect for my own ability to make my own choices, Chan Lee."
It was enough to make her freeze, did he have some sort of grudge with her? But she turned to him and nodded her head. "Can I talk with you, Hua Zhao?"
"Where's the please in that?" Hua Zhao smiled at her.
Some of the people in his group snickered, and she felt her blood simmer. "Would you, gracious Emperor Hua Zhao give time to this humble peasant?"
"Pfft...That was a good reply." Bo Ling chuckled alone.
Hua Zhao on the other hand simply waved a hand at her. "I suppose I can spare some of my time for you. So what is it?"
"In private, please." Chan Lee wanted to cut her tongue now. Some of the male in the group made amused sounds while she could almost feel Ning Bi invisibly stabbing a sword against her back. It was a… she held her breath.
"Alright, I'll be back then guys." Hua Zhao saluted at his friends, before motioning to Chan Lee. "Follow me."
Walking through hallways and staircases, it was enough time for her to recollect her thoughts and temper, simply following the man was not too bad as the other students simply gave him enough berth to navigate around easily. They ended up back at the rooftop, the young man leaning against the door.
He had a cool expression on his face, arms crossed against his chest as he eyed her. It was as if waiting for her to initiate the conversation.
She chewed on her lip for a moment, was she dealing with the same person as before? Now it felt like all he did before was just a huge ruse to make him gain her trust. It was… an icky feeling in her chest. "So...um."
"So now you need me?" Hua Zhao cut her off, a brow raised at her. "Is that what you wanted to say?"
A frown tugged at her lips, her earlier anger seeping back in. "Well, if you had to put it that way… then, yes. I do need you, your help to be exact."
A chuckle escaped his lips, it sounded like a mocking one. "Hey, cool down, Chan Lee. I'm simply letting you have a taste of your own medicine."
"What… what are you trying to prove?" Her fist curled at her sides. She let out a heavy sigh. "Are you saying that I'm that harsh with you?" Even if she tried to hit the man with a punch, it wouldn't even hit him unless he allowed her to.
He stared at her, it felt like he was sizing her up. "...Kind of."
"Well, I haven't humiliated you in front of my own friends, have I?" Chan Lee glared at him.
"If you had any." He pointed out with a shrug.
An icy silence dragged out between them.
"Forget about this. Move aside." She moved forward and shoved his shoulder. The man stumbled for a moment but quickly regained his footing, blocking her way.
"Hey, I'm sorry! Hold on, Chan Lee. I went too far but I really didn't mean them." He winced as she stared at him.
Didn't mean them? Of course that was how he really thought of her!
"Please! You seem to know how to bruise a heart, don't you?" She covered her face, something stinging in her eyes. "Just let me through. I don't need your help anyway."
"Chan Lee, don't cry." Hua Zhao's voice sounded frantic. "I don't know how to deal with it when someone is upset and I'm the cause."
"Oh really? Poor you!" She wiped her nose. Why was she even crying over something like this. "Poor Hua Zhao can't handle it when a girl is crying and he's at fault."
"Why are you putting all the blame with me?" He frowned at her. "I'm not the one who's being treated like some unreliable and untrustworthy guy." He shook his head. "Oh Hua Zhao? Did you get Xue? Did you kidnap him? No? Are you sure that it wasn't you? I'm sure that it was you so go admit it now!"
"I...I...I was so anxious back then." Chan Lee brushed back some hot tears, a stab of guilt making it was to her chest. "I couldn't help it, I'm sorry if I upsetted you."
"You treat me like some bad guy." Hua Zhao rubbed his face. "Could you stop following me around? Could you stop giving me gifts? Yes, I know I was being insistent with you before but it was only because I was worried as well… so are we good? Are you okay?"
She watched him ramble silently.
He sighed and grabbed her shoulders.. "I know that I can't make up for what I already did and what I hurtfully said but I hope you also think about my own feelings too. Maybe I didn't have to say it like this but it was a spur of a moment thing. But sorry. I'm really sorry so don't cry…. Do you want to hit me? I can let you punch me."