The Escape

The pagoda soon disappeared before their very eyes.

And then they were gone.

Chan Lee felt more and more like a sack of potatoes as she was carried away by Dai Song Lan. Amidst the running and jumping within the forest, there was only one thing that still played through her thoughts. The sting on her face hurt less than the tightness in her heart.

'It's your fault!' Mei had cried out as she slapped her.

And her friend was right.

Where was Xiaobo? Did they bring him someplace else or did they do something even worse? The coldness of the night brushed up on her frost-bitten skin as her hands hung limply on the back of Dai Song Lan's back. She wanted to sink in more and forget everything for the moment.

It didn't take long before the four of them soon emerged out of the forest.