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Bo Ling… he was used to a lot of things. His friend Hua Zhao had always been a difficult person to deal with. And he wasn't even talking about when Hua Zhao and Ning Bi got together.

Now those two was mayhem incarnate.

But it was because of that, that he really was used and cool to the strange and unexplainable things happening whenever he was with his friend. Though he could be imagining some of them since his friend didn't really notice them either. Either way the guy seemed to have a penchant for getting into trouble.

So when the man came back to the dorms at nearly three or so in the morning...

Bo Ling was fast asleep but man he wished he could have waited with the proper lighting. The noise however was enough to wake him up as he rubbed his eye to see the familiar figure tiptoe into the room.

Something hurled through the air.

A soft click.

A brightness shone—