The Reasons Why...

Hua Zhao woke up feeling well-rested, he even arched his back and stretched his limbs. It wasn't like he had a fast recovery-rate but even getting some sleep was like an all good pill. He glanced down the room to find no one in sight.

"Huh… they must have all gone to class." He yawned and rubbed his eye. He glanced down from under his bed to find a certain man not present as well. "Even Bo Ling, how traitorous."

Now a question lingered in his mind.

He glanced at the wall clock that hung near Wang Liquin's spot, "Should I attend the first lecture or wait for the second one?" He didn't mind too much the sharp looks that'd be thrown his way.

Sauntering into class might just be his style.

"Grandpa told me not to waste the education given to me anyway." He snorted and leapt from his bed. "I'm the one paying though, so I could at least use some more rest."

Yesterday had been…