The Takeaway

It was at Mou Family's Diner that a certain individual would look out of the glass window that led outside, the sun was shining brightly in the morning and he could already see joggers, students and workers shuffling their street and back into their respective destinations. It was nearly four days that had passed since they got back from the ship and he had been given—or rather he took his leave of absence.

He wasn't some young man raised and honed to be a warrior that would guard the entire city. He didn't come from some ancient clan that continued to exist until today and nor was he someone who had a lot of spare time.

A series of events had led him to be here but that didn't mean that he wished to be completely submerged in the life within this 'abyss'—for it a world quite hidden and entrenched in darkness than one may ought to believe. Mou Gu stared silently out as he felt some kind of disturbance.