Re: Helping Out A Friend?

Once more, his thoughts turned away from the screen in front of him as he held back a sigh and hugged the pillow closer to his chest. Glancing out a window, the day moved terribly slowly for the Alchemist as he tried to return his interest in the movie in front of him. Instead of making elixirs and pills, he managed to distract himself with multiple shows.

But it wasn't working now.

"Are you alright, Master—Xue?" Pausing the ongoing show, Chen Jinghua gave him a concerned look. Her brown eyes gazed at him as brows furrowed but she stayed in her seat, never making another move as she awaited his answer.

He couldn't be so glum and ruin the mood for her, he managed a smile and waved a hand, "I didn't expect myself to become fatigued over watching movies and shows, I don't get how Chan L—" He paused and scratched his cheek, "Which one was your favorite?"