Other's Personal Objectives

In one of the dormitory rooms in the university, the sound of growlings emanated loudly within the dark room. The curtains had been kept shut tightly, not a ray of sunlight pierced through the thick cloth as the sound of anguish continued. The entire room was almost devoid of light, shadows seemed to have crept and coalesced together and created an eerie atmosphere, with the only source of light was a minature night light.

Someone turned in their bed and let out a groan. He kicked off his blankets and stretched his body.

He was hungry.

Wang Liquin rubbed the corner of his eyes and yawned briefly. His feet made contact with the cold floor. Perhaps it was the only thing that made him get up from his bed. It wasn't his classes, it wasn't the cajoling from his friends or even the outrage from his family that made the man take a quick shower and then slip on a hoodie, some sweats and his slippers.

It was hunger.