Family Feud and A Friend's Desire

In the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the owner would gaze upon her customer and threaten them, "You'll be there won't you? Take care of Chan Lee or I'll punch you, alright?" Those had been the last words of Bo Lifen before she pulled herself up her feet and bade them goodbye—she really just couldn't stay with them for too long, she had her responsibilities as an owner and manager.

Hua Zhao had stayed silent as Bo Lifen went out and so had been the similar case for Ning Bi. She wounded up not saying a word as well.

Chan Lee was aware that Ning Bi had told her that she didn't mind Hua Zhao going along with her… and in that way, it felt like some sort of blessing of friendship, but this was somewhat a different matter. Did Ning Bi take it negatively?

"Hah, she's weird like that." Bo Ling finally muttered at last, he reached for the tea pot and poured himself another cup. "Don't mind her guys, at least she's finally gone. I don't know how you guys put up with her."