A start has been made in a new search for treasures

Early morning. The city was waking up. Light green stripe above the horizon. The sun began to paint warm pastel colors on the walls of three-story mansions in an elite neighborhood.

There were few cars, the quarantine affected, albeit weakened. World of the 21st century. But vaccines for covid-19 have not yet been developed. People got sick, left for another world, but nobody cared about this.

Nature did not care what was going on there among people. She lived by her seasons and rules. Yes, and people slowly began to adapt to the new world.

Cars could drive in the city only with special passes. But ordinary people could ride bicycles and electric scooters. Hike.

All shops were open as usual. Except that a small number of cars and people in masks, only this indicated that the Covid-19 Corona still reigned in the world.

Dara woke up from the chirping of birds, the forest breeze, it was better than the annoying squeak of an alarm clock. Thanks to Chinese android manufacturers.

It was old, but it worked well. Stretching and yawning sweetly, Dara slowly walked towards the chirp.

With a finger, sliding the circle on the android to the right, the chirping stopped. He glanced at the screen - 2021. The third planet from the Sun. Land. April 30. 6:00. The geolocation showed the location of the Great Central Asian Plains, Small-An Country, Kù shén lābā dé city, street Light 11.

Yawning, he walked out onto the porch. It was a house made of adobe bricks, with thick 2 meter walls and wooden beams. A typical house in a rural area far from civilization. But the roof was surprisingly covered with an iron profile. It had solar panels and a satellite dish.

Right in front of the door was a long wooden hundred, dug into the ground, and there were benches on either side. It was painted green. On it, without a tablecloth, there was an iron kettle, steam rising from its spout. There were several earthenware bowls containing biscuits, lump sugar, and waffles.

In the center stood a large saucepan, covered with an iron lid. A large wooden spoon lay next to it on a chipped-off ceramic plate.

And a day earlier Dara was in the capital of Small-An, "Sā mǎ'ěr hǎн". He rummaged in the diary of his great-grandfather, where he found several interesting stories about the treasures ...

... and they, with their cousin Shir-Ali and his friend Fang, were already in the foothills of the "Kǎlā qiáo" mountains.

We got together quickly, Fang was the representative of the Chinese company and had a jeep.

We stayed with a distant relative of Shir Ali, from the Nine clan, this city was founded during the Arab Caliphate in 890 AD. Earlier it was a fortified caravanserai, where the border between Arabs and nomads crossed. Ironically, the Arabs defended their borders from the Nine clan. And now almost all the inhabitants of this city were representatives of the city clan Nine. It was a kind of warriors, everyone knew about them from the Great Central Asian Plains to Chang'an.

In Dar's diary, I read that in a mountain gorge not far from the mountains "Kǎlā qiáo "there was an old workshop and a gold mine, where the names were carved on the rock in runic script. And such a find would be very interesting because such writing has long been disappeared from Small-An, last 1200 years.

Also mentioned was a small island located on a mountain lake. Great-grandfather wrote that in times of troubles on this island, robbers hid their treasures. He searched and found only three silver coins. And then the war broke out ... and he could no longer reach the island.

Modern technologies, gadgets, would just allow them to find treasures, unless, of course, for 110 years no one has dug them up there.