As the couple moved along the way, their feets crunching decisively into the fallen leaves that had dried to a fragile red at their edges and a sickly pinkish-grey at their centers, an impression was at last forming in the man's head. Pausing, he stead himself against the dark pink bole of a Sakura snd closed his eyes.
Immediately the man felt, the thrumming of magic in the air. A different kind from the ones he was used too but nonetheless he knew this was the boundary hiding the Youkai residence.
"Did you find it?" asked Jeanne tilting her head. "It has been two weeks since we heard about this Night Parade."
Damon nodded his head if affirmation. The couple had been living in Japan for 2 months, going from place to place until they stepped in Osaka. Here they heard about the Night Parade, a group of Youkais that terrorized the streets at night. Since then, Damon has been trying to find them to satiate his curiosity.
After the successful test of Jeanne's Noble Phantasm, the couple spent another ten years in England. At the point, they were forced to move out after all even though they lived outside of London they still visited the city and seeing a young couple never age in such a long time gets suspicious.
So, they left and went traveling the world. From England to Spain, then Italy and Greece. Wherever they went they stayed just long enough to learn the culture and then move again. Of course, trouble kept finding them no matter what. Sometimes were Devils, others, Fallen Angels bossing around. But most of the time they fought mythological monsters. It was outstanding how much happened around normal humans without them ever noticing.
Of course, there was a reason for that. The Mist, it was called. A greek creation that distorted the human perception of the supernatural. If the Minotaur went rampaging through the streets of Athens they would see a normal bull running around. Damon, after some investigation, concluded that the Mist spell was used on the very leylines of the planet. How the greek gods were able to convince every other pantheon in the world to do that is everybody guess.
Speaking of the Minotaur, Damon and Jeanne meted him in Greece. Jeanne took care of him and who knew, Percy Jackson was right, greek monsters do explode in golden powder. After that, the supernatural became aware of the duo. They did not find out about their identities but the gods and other mystical creatures were now aware that two powerful humans were traveling the world.
Back to the present, Damons was studying the bounded field in hopes of finding a way to make contact with the Youkai clan. His musing was interrupted by the abrupt voice coming from the top of the tree. When he looked up his greeted with the sight of black-haired young man, with a sharp face and serious expression. The young man had crow wings poking out of his back.
"How may I help, magician?" said the young man.
"Hello, my name is Damon and this is my wife Jeanne. We arrived here in Osaka two weeks ago and heard about the Night Parade." Damon answered in a polite tone, a small smile gracing his features. "I was just trying to find a way to make contact with your clan... Sorry, it seems I don't have your name."
"I see..." A thoughtful expression crossed the boy visage before he asked, "What business would you have with us? And my name is Koroumaru."
'Such a familiar name.' Thought Damon before answering, "Pure curiosity really. I just wanted to ask some questions if possible."
"Very well, I go contact the clan leader. Please, wait here until I come ba-"
"No need to alert my father, Koroumaru. I can deal with this."
And as Damon turned to look at the new arrival he finally remembered why the boy's name and the Night Parade reminded him of something. The man finished walking, his steps were silent even when so near us. He was tall with wavy black hair that fell to the sides like that blade of a scythe. Amber-colored eyes looked back at Damon as he finally remembered.
'Nurarihyon no Mago...' Damon thought with a wry expression, 'Because of course, they exist here, why not?! Based on his appearance this must be Nura Rihan, the second Supreme Commander of Youkais.'
"Hello, Damon-san. I'm Nura Rihan, son of Nurarihyon, the Clan Leader."
"It's nice to meet you, Nura-san. This is my wi-"
"Who are you, beautiful lady? How would you like to drink with me?" Rihan interrupts Damon in order to flirt with Jeanne.
"I don't think my husband would like that very much, Nura-san." Answer Jeanne with an amused face. "And my name is Jeanne."
When Rihan turns around to look Damon, he's greeted with a polite smile with a twitching eyebrow and eyes that screamed 'Get away from her before I turn you inside out!'.
"Ah, my bad, my bad. I just couldn't help myself..." Apologized Rihan before continuing, "You are a very lucky man Damon-san. And please, no need to use honorifics, you guys can call me Rihan."
"Thank you, I also think I'm very lucky." Was Damon's response, "Please, no need for honorifics with us either. Just Damon and Jeanne."
"Very well, if that's it, why don't you come with me? I can show you around our compound." Rihan turns around before saying, "Koroumaru, thank you for keeping guard. You can go back to patrolling."
"Thank you, Rihan-sama. Goodbye, Damon-san, Jeanne-san."
With that Koroumaru took flight while Damon and Jeanne followed Rihan inside his house.
"Well, it was easier than I thought." Says Damon to his lover.
"Really, only you could say that spend two weeks looking for someone to be easy," Jeanne answers with a bemused face.
"You guys spent two weeks looking for us?" Asks Rihan, "Well, I better make this visit worth it then."
Rihan laughs, a carefree sound without any mocking intent.
"Would guys like some sake?"
"Rihan, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."