Strength (STG)
Endurance (END)
Agility (AGT)
Mana (MP)
Lucky (LCK)
*Having high levels of mana doesn't make you stronger, mana and demonic power are different things.
* The character class rank is determined by how efficient you are in a battle with your current skills and parameters
Oda Nobunaga
Tiltes: Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Demon Archer, Big Fool of Owari, Conqueror of the Warring States, King of Innovation, Nobu.
Class: High-End High-Level
Magic Resistance (B): Turns most spells away from him. In other words, it doesn't receive or negate it. If Nobu was being bombarded by 10 different spells most would miss.
Tenka Fubu (A): Raises the damage dealt against those possessing Divinity and/or Myths.
Demon King (A): It's a skill that affects those who were called a monster in life, later twisted to be different than they were in life. This gives Nobunaga the base body of a Devil and also let's her chance her form at will, appearing older or younger as she wishes.
Full-Body Djinn Equip (A): Nobunaga has a contract with Cerberus, the Djinn of Severity and Fascination. When using this skill all parameters, besides MP, goes up one rank. When this skill is activated, every skill that deals with "Fire, Water or Lighting" gains burning, healing or piercing effects.
Extreme Magic: Demon King's Annihilation (A+): Nobunaga shoots from her arquebuses a purple ball with the combined power of three opposing elements that turns everything in the site of the explosion into dust. It's a AoE spell a kilometer radius are of effect.
Three-Thousand Worlds: Three Line Formation (E~B): Is the Noble Phantasm of Oda Nobunaga. It is her famous policy, having dreamed about the unification of the country of Japan, and the "three lines of fire" strategy she is said to have employed at the Battle of Nagashino.
It brings about three thousand arquebuses in her surroundings, and they fire volleys in every direction while matching the guns she holds in both of her hands. Affected by her "Tenka Fubu - Innovation" Skill, it is more dangerous against those possessing Divinity and Myths.
*The NP is not as powerful as the original for the same reason as Jeanne's. Damon had to recreate Nobu's arquebuses making the NP drop a rank.
Papiyas, Demon King of the Sixth Heaven (E~EX): Is the "true Noble Phantasm" of Demon King Oda Nobunaga, known as the destroyer of Shinto and Buddhism. Based on the burning of Mount Hiei and the other brutal deeds she had performed in life, it is a Reality Marble that makes her into a being that "holds absolute power against those with Divinity and Myths."
Upon its activation, it renders her nude as a visual effect, and the world, acting as the "accumulation of the fear and reverence that the people held for Nobunaga after death", materializes a scorching hell.
Like her Tenka Fubu Skill, it is something that displays great power against those with high Divinity and Mystery, making it difficult for such Servants to even continue existing while in the space, and displays little power against those with low Divinity and Myths, making the landscape "a tad hot" to them.
* Myths here refers to mythical creatures like Hydra. Angels and Fallen Angels fall in the category of Divine, Devils don't fall into any since from the perspective of humanity there's is only One Devil.
*This NP didn't surfer any nerf since it's a Reality Marble, the soul magic birthed from "what makes the Demon King Oda Nobunaga".