04 Honey Moon

Ten people ran into the bar. There green headbands had Jadeviper markings. One missing an arm. "They're already past the gate. Hurry! Run!" one cried.


I ran forward toward the entrance as I couldn't wait to grab some more experience. Leader board here I come.

Stepping out I came to realize two things. One I was in a massive treehouse and two the demons were underwhelming. They were little things only a meter in diameter. A bulbous head with a beak. Multiple tentacles coming from the head.

No, scratch that, multiple arms as each arm had a dual row of suckers running the length of the arm. The tips, however, ended with a deadly looking spike. These three were rather small flashing blue glowing rings on their epithelium.

Obviously they were cephalopods. What a let down. The other player combatants and non player combatants all filed out as well. They ran at the demons brandishing spears, swords, pikes. Arrow were nocked and fired raining a deadly hail before the sorcerers completed their first spells.

The demons moved with incredible celerity dodging arrows and strikes alike. A spiked arm penetrated this combatant then that one with another arm grabbed a third.

Luna was in the thick of it with the other elves. She was trying to use a club in either hand to beat the demons. Left swing, right swing, front kick. It looked like she was dancing and not connecting with the demon at all.

"More inbound " someone shouted. Sure a enough another twenty demon cephalopods came floating over the gate. These were attached to conical shells and sported many more spiked tentacles.


My GodNet account pinged. Conditions have been met to conclude current game.


In the midst of my first battle I get a notice on GodNet that the game is over. Lord Ruby obtained three Rumoldolayugs. I was very angry. Seeing the horde of cephalopods breaking open the gate I raised my palm forward. Magnetizing and heating the sand inside the exosuit I shot a cloud at rail gun speed. The horde exploded along with the rest of the gate and the foliage beyond.

Luna paused to watch my devastating attack and was skewed in the chest by a demon.

I saw it happen but was too far from her to prevent it. The spike continued out her back before piercing her again from behind. Like a hooked fish the demon reeled Luna in.

I dashed to her vibrating my hand to supersonic speed I knife handed the demon's arm. Demonic gristle and muscle came clean away. Luna's left lung was pierced and her heart pumped bright green blood onto the bark like ground.

She would bleed out and expire shortly. I put to much effort into Luna for her to die only minutes into our first battle together.

I did the only thing I could do. I opened the exosuit's chest plates. The internal arms retrieved her and the chest plates sealed again. I set the exosuit on autopilot:dodge. Then began to flow into her gaping wound.

The GodNet was still open to congratulate Lord Ruby on his excellent performance and winning this game.

I plucked some curare from the xoxo forest forcing it internally to paralyze Luna's movement.

Left, right, jump, flip. I could sense the exosuit evading the opposition. Within minutes I had stopped the pneumothorax and began the arduous task of regrowing her ribs. Fortunately the process was made easier from our previous cellular integration.

I opened the database containing Luna's baseline vitals. Her blood volume was insufficient to raise her blood pressure. I looked outside the exosuit. There were numerous dead humanoids. Moving closer to a pair of dead female humans I finger pierced their chests to drain their blood and interstitial fluids.

The battle continued with the demons chasing the adventurers back into the inn.

One curious demon came too close and I easily slashed it in half.

A quick compounding of the human serosanguinous fluids with my own was all I needed to instill into Luna. With increased blood volume Luna's blood pressure returned to her normal values.

Since the game was over I opened a portal and stepped through. Though I didn't win this game there would be others.

I halved my conscience storing it in Luna's mind while the other half worked to restore her body. Preventing my conscience from floating away again was the real treasure. The wormhole opened hurtling the exosuit to my distant home.

The GodNet had the latest article of Lord Ruby's winning strategy. It seems he opened a enormous portal and shoved the entire demon continent through it. No doubt some Heavenly Administrator elsewhere in the cosmos received a unwelcome gift.

Inside the exosuit I formed a chrysalis over Luna to speed the healing process as elf, human and my own godly DNA mixed. As per her wish I also entered her into a primigravida state.