Chapter 4: What The Actual Fuck!?

I woke up, I don't know where I am. The door opened and the doctor came in. "You're awake! You passed out due to the impact that you're head got from the accident. Thank god the impact didn't affect your brain," the doctor said.

"Who took me here doc?" I asked and my voice is so dry. As if on cue the door opened again and the guy with pinkish violet hair came in. "He took you here," pointing at the guy.

"Anyway I'm gonna get going."

After the doctor left, the guy place the things he bought, I guess food, on the table. "How are you doing?" he asked.

"Fine," was all I said. I don't want to talk to him. I don't like his guts, cause I don't know his intentions. He grabbed something inside the paper bag, it was food and he handed it to me. It was mess of delicious barbecue ribs and fried rice.

Once I finished the food. He grabbed something inside the paper bag again, this time it was a gun and he pointed it at me.

"Now, are going to tell me where your boss at?" he asked. I remained silent.

"Are you going to answer?" he asked me again. "For the last time. I. Don't. Know. Where. The. Fuck. He. Went!" I need to get the fuck out of here. Then an idea struck my head. I looked at the window and I can tell that my room is in the first floor.

"Can you get me water, I am thristy." He stood up for the chair and went outside to buy water. 'It's my time to get out of her. ' I thought.

I stood from my bed and went to the window, I looked around to seek something to catch my fall. and I saw a little bush just under my window. I took some clothes with me and change into it quickly. I opened the window and I heard the door unlocking. I quickly jumped unto the bush and it caught my fall.

I heard the guy with pinkish violet hair scream, "Doc! he escaped!" and he went to the window and he saw me. I waved at him goodbye and also giving him a flying kiss just to annoy him.

And I ran. I ran until I saw a taxi nearby, I entered the taxi, "Where we going sir?" the taxi driver asked. I saw the guy with pinkish violet hair coming out of the hospital.

"12th Ricochet Street and drive now!" I demand. The taxi driver drove away hastly before the guy caught unto me.

I calmed down a bit seeing that the guy was far away from me now. Just as I thought that I was free from that mothertrucker. I saw him at the back riding his fucking motorcycle. "What the actuall fuck!" I shouted.

The driver heard it and went to look through the rear view mirror. "Are you okay sir?" the driver asked.

"Just drive!" I demand. "Don't let that motorcycle get to us!" the driver nodded. 'Why is he so damn persistent!' I mentally screamed. But after a few minutes of the chase he was out of my sight. But suddenly we stopped. "What happened, why did you stop?"

"I'm sorry but we are stuck in traffic." the driver said. "Then find a way to get me out of here!" I shouted at him. "Why do you demand so much! Do you really have the money to pay me?" the driver snapped.

I searched my pockets to find my wallet and I fucking left it in the hospital. "Ummm.." was all I said. The driver just smiled at me.


I was kicked out of the taxi, cause I don't have money, how lucky I am. "You will pay for this when I see you again!" I shouted at the driver. "I don't give a fuck!" he replied.

Far from the distance, I heard a motorcycle coming towards me. 'Ah, fakkk!!!' I mentally screamed. It's the guy with pinkish violet hair again.

I started to run and I'm starting to get tired with this running thing (sorry). I went by a busy market filled by people, and I had an idea.

I ran into the market, hoping that I lost that mother trucker. But then when I looked at my back to check if he was still following me, I saw people backing up and making way for him! I ran so fast when I saw him, again. Until I saw a store that sells fabrics and the owner is not around.

I went to the store to hide, and I heard his motorcycle passed by. I stole some fabric to camouflage myself. I got out the store and blend in to the crowd and I went the other way. And thank god he (the guy with pinkish violet hair) is not following me now.

And I walked until I got to the 12th Ricochet Street. I got to the front of my boss's house, I removed my disguise and the guard that is guarding the gates recognises me and let me went in.

When I entered the house, "Oh hey Lester, didn't see you for almost a week," the maid said. I don't everyone to know what happend to me. "I-I took a leave for a while," I reasoned.

"But you just started," she said. I don't want to entertain more questions from her. "Where's Mr. Vasques?" I asked. "In his room, but-."

"Gotta go see you." and I ran upstairs. I reached the door of his room and I knocked, no one answered but I can hear muffled moans from the inside.

The door isn't locked so I went inside, and I saw Mr. Vasques fucking a guy. 'What. The. Actual. Fuck!' I mentally screamed.