Chapter 8: Friend

I ran through shit just to get away from the highway. Now I'm the middle of the forest and it's getting dark. I saw a ray of light from a distance as I was walking, I come to it.

And the light was coming from the ground, there was a trap on the ground, it looks like someone's inside and he's watching reality television, I can hear people arguing from his tv. I knocked on the wood and I heard footstep going to the trap door.

"Hi there fella, what brings you here?" An African American guys greeted me. "Can I stay in your place for now, just until morning."

"Come on in! You're very welcome into my humble abode!" he said, plastered on his face was big smile. I went in into his house, his living space was spacious, a flat screen tv, nice kitchen, two bedrooms. Weird, he's the only one who lives here so why does he have a another room?

"Why do you have the spare room?" I asked. "My friend visits me here, once a month, and it's for this kinds of situations, this always happens here, in this city." his smile is warm, welcoming and comforting.

"Sit there at the couch and I'll prepare you dinner, you seemed hungry." He went to the kitchen.

The TV was showing shitty reality TV show. It's all just drama and fucking screaming and fighting. The guy came back with a plate of barbeque ribs and handed it to me, "it's my family's recipe, hope you'll like it."

"Thanks," I dug my teeth to the meat and it's like butter. Very tender and delicious. "This is so good!" I said.

The guy chuckled, "I'm glad you liked it." He went back to the kitchen and came back with tea and water on his hands.

"Why are you hiding in this bunker?" I curiously asked. "Did you know that I'm the only black person that is left here," I'm not that surprised at what he said. Ever since I got the richer parts of the city, there's no black in every nook and cranny.

"What did they done to the others?" I asked. "Different mobs runs the city, that's why I don't know what they could have done to the other black people, but my relatives were captured and they were killed, burned infront of a lot of wealthy people for entertainment." he said.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that," I put my plate on the the coffee table infront of me. "It's okay, you can stay here in my place until you need to go, I know there's a schism happening in the strongest mob in this city and you might be caught into the crossfire."

"How did you know about the schism," I may sound calm but inside I was scared, when he said that he knew about the schism.

He looked at me seriously and observed me closely, "you what, you seemed to be feeling uncomfortable, is something wrong with the couch? Or my place? Do I scare you cause I'm black?"

"No! I'm not scared of you being black. I'm comfortable here in your place, but how did you know about the schism? And I haven't got your name yet." I asked.

"First of all I'm Bruce," he extended his his arm to give me a handshake and I reached out to it and shook it. "Nice to meet you??" He was waiting for my response, "Oh! It's Lester, I'm Lester. Nice to meet you Bruce!"

"Actually I didn't knew about the schism afterall, until my friend told me. At first I thought it's was a mob war but it's much more different and much more destructive. My friend told me that it all started 2 years ago, when the former owner of the, 'Vasques Group Of Companies' died, and he divided his fortunes to his two sons, Mace and Plaedon." he took a break and he took a sip of his tea.

"What happened after that?" I asked.

"Ah! Jasmine tea. Since then there was favoritism in their household, it's always Plaedon that is well loved and cared, while Mace was being left out and abused. Because of this favoritism, almost three quarters was given to Plaedon. While the quarter left was to Mace and he didn't liked that, so he tried to kill his brother but didn't succeed and that's how we are now." He said.

"What happened to them after this years?" I asked again. "Mace did succeed to kill Plaedon but he didn't succeed on getting his fortune, Plaedon gave it to someone that I didn't know." I heard knocking unto the trapdoor.

"Who is that?!" I panicked, what if that's Mr. Vasques or his goons. "Must be my friend," he smiled and and went to the trapdoor to open it.

And there revealed Mr. Dañer. "I'm glad you're fine Lester!" he hugged me. I don't know how to respond, I mean I haven't to know him yet.

"How did you know where am I?" I asked Mr. Dañer. "Well I, implanted a chip on your butt cheek to track you." Wait what did he just said?

"You implant a tracking chip on my what?" I asked, "your ass cheeks." He said seriously. "Why my butt cheeks!?" I am mad at him and he just laughed at me. "I just think it would be hilarious, and also hard for them to find and plus to that whenever someone slaps your ass you'll moan." He smiled hystericaly.

"Take these off of me you motherfucker!" I shouted. "Uhmm not to interrupt your fight there but did you guys see the news?" Bruce called to us.

We rush to the couch to watch the news, "Two dangerous persons are roaming the city according to the city police department," plastered on the screen are My face and Jaiden's.

"Oh shit! There using the whole city against us!" Mr. Dañer said. "What do you mean us, you're not included!" I moved my gaze away from him.

"If your able to find these individuals, please contact the Vasques' Group of Companies or the police department." Bruce turned the TV off.

"Okay, I think that's it for now. I think you guys needs some sleep, you can share the spare room." He pointed unto the room. "Well I'm getting sleepy goodnight!" And he went to his room.

I walked to the door of the room and opened it. It was a really big room with stalagmites on the ceiling, I don't feel safe about that thing and the stalagmites were lited by a spotlight at the corner of the room. I sat at the bed and it was comfy as fuck.

Mr. Dañer went into the room, "why are you here?" I raised one eyebrow at him. "To sleep," he replied. "No you don't, you sleep on the couch."

"I won't," He said. "You will!" He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me, I looked at him directly into his eyes.

"Fuck you!" He slams the door right on my face. Guess I'll have to sleep in this couch, I laid down and it is comfy, I looked at the ceiling for a few minutes, thinking how the hell will I survive this shit and I fell asleep.

The coldness of the surrounding disappeared and it's replace with comforting heat, I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Dañer hugging me, shirtless, I don't know what came to me but I just stared at his perfect toned body and his beautiful face.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at the clock beside us. It's 8:24 in the morning. I wiggled pass his arms and went out of the room.

I can smell the delicious smell of food from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and peeked what food is Bruce making.

He noticed me going to the kitchen, "Good morning! You seemed to have a good night's sleep there, minus the fight you had last night. "

"You heard that?" I was surprised. "Well yeah, I can literally hear every moan you had last night," wait what?!

Then sudden pain surge on my butt and back, Bruce looked at my hip and chuckled, "seemed he liked it rough."

I went to sit on the chair. God it hurts so bad, what the fuck did he do to me last night? I stared at the table blanking out, my head was too occupied by the pain that I didn't notice Mr. Dañer is sitting beside me.

"What the fuck did you do to me last night!?" he just smiled at me. "I'll leave it up unto your imagination." Was the only thing he replied.

I stood up to take a piss in the bathroom, Mr. Dañer fucking slapped my ass so hard, earning a loud moan from me.

"Why did you do that?!" I shouted at him. "I just wanted to check if-if it works or not," he had an obvious smirk on his face. "Guys! If your not done with your job do it inside your room okay." Bruce is also smirking.

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom. "Breakfast is ready!" I washed my hands and went out of the bathroom and Bruce and Mr. Dañer are waiting for me in the table.

Thers is a lot on the table and they all looked delicious. "Are a cook or something cause you cook amazing dishes Bruce." I complimented him.

"Well he is my cook back in the house but since the city government, banned black people in this city and hunting the last remaining black and killing them. I decided to hide him here." Mr. Dañer said.

"That's inhumane! Aren't they human also?!" I am filled with anger with this city. "Their cause is actual bullshit, they just believed they are superior from the black people and those blacks that in this city might start a revolution, so they hunt them down ang killing them," Bruce said.

"Let's not talk about that for a second and eat our breakfast," Bruce gleefully said.

"Before I forget, we will leave at 11. There's a hot air balloon festival in the city and we will be riding a hot air balloon to get to my house," he paused to look at his watch, "it's already 10 eat quickly and take a bath and we will leave."

I hastly eat my food and I went to the bathroom, to take a really quick bath, after that I ran unto the room to wear some clothes, I slipped. Gladly Mr. Dañer caught me on time I looked at his eyes, his eyes are so beautiful, th-they are captivating me, that's when I remember that the floor is wet so Mr. Dañer slipped too and we both fell unto the ground.

"Ouch! Be careful next time!" He lectured me, I stood up and changed my clothes. I go out of the room wearing just semi-formal clothes but they looked good.

I saw Mr. Dañer wearing semi-formal clothes, he handed me a hat and glasses, "this will help us."

"Isn't this too cliche to use glasses and hats as diguises," I said to him. "Well it's better than wearing a mask and you would look as stupid as you are already, if you don't have anymore questions or concerns let's go."

"Actually there," Mr. Dañer glared at me, "o-okay no more questions."

"Bruce! we will be going!" he shouted to Bruce. "Have a safe trip my friend!" He shouted back.

We got out of Bruce's bunker and headed on the top of the hill where a hot air balloon is waiting for us. We got in and I loosen the rope and we started flying.

The view was so amazing, I feel like I'm in heaven right now, disregarding the fact that we are being hunted by Mr. Vasques so yeah, I'm in heaven.

Mr. Dañer started to yawn, "I feel sleepy, Les. I'll just sleep here okay, keep an eye on the balloon." I nodded.

For a few hours I was observing the view of the whole city from here, this city was beautiful, if it's not plagued with mobs and gangs.

Suddenly I feel that we are going down slowly, then it started to go faster I looked up and saw that there was no fire that supply hot air, I panicked.

"Mr. Dañer! Wake. The. Fuck. Up!" I panicked so bad that it's hard for me to breathe but it's manageable, I tried wiggling him to waking him up, "Come one! Are you fucking Jesus!?"

I searched the whole place for fuel, I tried searching the weigh bags on the side of the balloon and gladly there was a spare fuel tank. I tried to connect it but I can't, we can't do it, we are going to die, the fall is going faster and faster. I just waited for the impact and there was no impact.