King Qiuyen

Chen Jìngyi :Sister Ai mother said you have to sale the dumplings are you not going to eat when you get back home.

Chen Ai : Ok sister tell mother that I would be work till sunset.

Chen Jìngyi : oh yeah you have to do it till sunrise I forgot.

Chen Ai : Why?

Chen Jìngyi : did you talk back to me!!

( raise her hand to slap her )

Li Qiuyue : uhm

Chen Jìngyi : who block me for hitting her mind your own b.... Oh King Qiuyue

Chen Ai : King Qiuyue

Li Qiuyue : are you ok!

Chen Ai : You don't need to worry about me.....

Li Qiuyen : what your name if I may ask?

Chen Ai : my name...

Chen Jìngyi : her name is Chen Ai I'm Chen Jìngyi it nice to meet you.

Eunuch: impudent!! You are talking out of turn foolish, unladylike!!

Chen jìngyi : Please forgive me King Qiuyen!!

Li Qiuyen : give her 60 strokes and 10 lashes!! If she won't kill her!!!

Chen Jìngyi : forgive me King Qiuyen !!!

Chen Ai : no stop I will go instead of her so please.

Eunuch: you will take her place no she need to know her place!!

Li Qiuyen: shhh Eunuch!!! So you will go in her place instead of being punished physically you will have to be a maid for 2 years do you accept this punishment..

Chen Ai : Yes King Qiuyen !!!