* When they switch bodies King Qiuyen Is Chen Ai and Chen Ai is King Qiuyen*
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): Why did you kiss me?
Maid Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): you fell on me...
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): that because you was holding my hand!!!
Maid Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): you thick legs put out the candles!!! Why my voice like this ? Hey light the candles!!!!
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): I don't have thick legs...(Scream) I'm so ugly!!!
Chen Ai( King Qiuyen): you just found that out hahahaha What.....The...Hell?
Eunuch Xian: King are you ok?
Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): your king is right here!!!
Imperial Guards: is very thing ok King Qiuyen?
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): everyone get out!!!1
Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): But You Eunuch Xian....
Eunuch Xian: do you want me to stay King Qiuyen?
Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): I said stay didn't I.....
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): Stay Ummm What you name ? Eunuch Xan
Eunuch Xian: Its Eunuch Xian
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ) everyone leave and close the door!!!!
Imperial Guards: Yes King Qiuyen
Eunuch Xian: Is something wrong Fu Huang?
Chen Ai( King Qiuyen ): I told you to stop calling me my name!!!
Eunuch Xian: Is she really a spy is that why she act like that if she a spy please be a pretty spy hahaha
King Qiuyen( Chen Ai ): What did you say you called me? ugly I might not be pretty but I'm above average just because you couldn't get someone you became a eunuch!!!!
* When you became a Eunuch you can't have children because Eunuch take care of the Kings or Lords Main Wife/Side Women because The Eunuch Back in the day was get with the King/Lord Women so the decide to cut of their ~~~~~~*
Eunuch Xian:( come to his ear ) Fu Huang you know that I didn't cut it of because you have no wife or women and you don't plan to....Right?