Meeting The Emperor

Eunuch: King Qiuyen has arrived!!!!

Emperor: Come in son...

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai): hello father...emperor( which one should I call him? I'm so scared that he will find me suspicious )

Emperor: (sigh) I told you that you don't have to call me father if you don't want to...

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai): the reason I came here forced... I'm mean I came here for( hopefully he did hear that I'm so nervous right now)

Emperor: son why are you so nervous? ( Worriedly )

King Qiuyen( Maid Chen Ai ):( is he mad? ) I came here to discuss my marriage...

Emperor: why are you asking about your marriage you never worried about it before...

King Qiuyen( Maid Chen Ai ): I found someone I wanted to spend my life with an...

(Empress Dowager dust in the room)

Eunuch: sorry Emperor she came out of nowhere!!!

Emperor: it ok just get back to your position...

Eunuch:( I thought I was a goner ) thank you, Emperor...

Emperor: Honey what do you want dusting in here like that?

Empress Dowager: I just heard my son talking about marriage but did you say you already talked to him about it?!! ( hahaha did you think I was just going to sit still and watch )

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai): ( I almost forgot I'm the queen of manipulating I sold thousands of dumplings because of this ) I never said that I stay that I was going to talk to him about it(the first step of manipulating is flap their words)

Emperor: Honey if he found someone he loves just let them be...

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai): I know that she can't be the empress but at less I want her to be my concubine...

Empress Dowager: why are you so sure that you will become emperor? ( this bastard child only my son will be the next emperor )

Emperor: it's common sense he is the only one at age and he has the blood of both of the royal families...

Empress Dowager: your will given the title to a bastard son!!!?

( Emperor got so mad )

Emperor: watch how you talk don't forget both of us are bastard children!!

Empress Dowager wouldn't back down

Empress Dowager: so you're being biased because you see yourself in him...

( During this time Maid Chen Ai was daydreaming )

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai):( so he a bastard child I never met one... Damn, I want some dumplings... I wonder what the king doing with my body... don't tell me he taking... no... I got to pee I don't know how to use the bathroom in this body )

Emperor: anyways!! Who is it?

King Qiuyen(Maid Chen Ai): who? What? Oh she's a maid( I got too careless I just said it without thinking!! )

Emperor: a maid?