

Empress Dowager: Priestess Lan'er…

Priestess Lan'er: Empress Dowager(bow)

Empress Dowager: I told you there no need for you to call me that just call me Empress… Dowagers makes me feel old,

Priestess Lan'er:(here we go again when I finely thought I have some rest) Empress my I ask why you called so late at night?

Empress Dowager: I think there is some evil spirit in our palace I thought you will be the only person to solve it…

Priestess Lan'er: what kind of evil spirit my I ask?

Empress Dowager: I think there is another woman that is trying to marry the Crown Prince…

Priestess Lan'er and Empress Dowager had a long conversation after Empress Dowager went home…

The Next Morning

Empress Dowager was outside just drinking tea till a maid came up to her and said,

Maid: The Emperor calls you till his study Empress Dowager…

Empress Dowager: I told you to call me Empress (laps the maid)

Maid: (bow) my apologies Empress!!!

Empress Dowager arrive at the Emperor studies

Empress Dowager: honey you called me (falls after trying to hold the Emperor's hand)

Emperor: sit down…

Empress Dowager sits down while drinking tea again and said…

Emperor: if you have to come clean state it now…

Empress Dowager: what are you talking about honey? You're scary…

Emperor: you when to Priestess Lan'er…

Empress Dowager: you sent people to follow me?!!

Emperor: no as you know Priestess Lan'er is my people I don't know about you anymore tho…

Empress Dowager: you can believe everything you hear honey!!!

Emperor: called the maid.

Empress Dowager: what maid?

Maid walks in front of the Emperor

Emperor: Speak...

Maid: just 10 minutes ago Empress Dowager slap me because I forgot to call her the Empress…

Empress Dowager: I never told you to call me Empress…

Priestess Lan'er: yesterday Empress Dowager told me to call her Empress stating that she is not that old yet…

Emperor: luck is not on your side I told you to just stay put first you kill the Crown Princess that's why you're the Empress Dowager, not the Empress…

P.S Sorry for not updating in like a month FSA studies got in the way I was going to upload in May but I had time to do two book updates my other book will be updated AFTER MAY 3 which is when my FSA is over thanks.