The Sea Reflecting Each Soul

The air was crisp and cold as fresh apple, and it felt good against Ephraim's face. The morning breeze of the sea was surprisingly more pleasant than he had expected. Being an archaeologist meant to be a traveler, but Ephraim Ignacio Hughes lived in a technologically-advanced civilization. He boarded planes, hydrofoils, but never a carrack — a wooden sailing ship that should have been found in about European waters around 14th to 17th century IF Ephraim's memories serve right.

Guild master Shey and her son Dro sent them off to the merchant ship sailing towards Sembilica. The ship would make a short stop to Patriargë, its neighboring country to drop Ephraim and Samuel off to its port, and from that point on it's up to them.

"Honestly, it feels too fast . . ." Shey said in all honesty. "Are you two sure that you don't want to wait for a month or so?"