The Den of Evil


From the horizon beyond the skies appeared what seemed to be a twinkle—a gleaming star that flashed brightly in Samuel's electric – blue eyes. It caused him to momentarily squint his eyes—but before Samuel could even take another step or two to get a better look, the star immediately vanished.

And then when it did,


Samuel fell down to the floorboards with a thud. "Aw," he murmured. Sam's first thoughts were 'what the hell' but then it escalated into, "what . . . the . . . hell." 

A dark arrow had just scraped the side of his neck, which made it bleed immediately. Samuel immediately ran his hand to his neck to cover the bleeding. Samuel began to look around, to search for the one who shot that arrow, but there was no one in the vast seas—not a sail nor a boat. The sky was as clear and ridden with cotton-like clouds. Then is it the star he had seen on the horizon? What in the world is happening?