Remarkable Swordsman

Borgh's crew was small as can be; comprising of five sailors in charge of monitoring the sea currents, the ship, and food. They were sailing a small carrack ship that only transported goods, after all. By night time, they would probably reach their destination, so lunch and dinner should only be the issue. Patriargë, they would probably reach in about forty-five minutes, and Sembilica, in another hour.

Borgh Weasleton had the unfortunate surname that rhymed with a 'weasel'. The name weasel didn't sound good for a merchant. Customers might get the impression he was weaseling the money away, and so they won't build their trust in him. Borgh had this thought from the start - when he was just a lad that was a driver of another merchant. But then he strived to look more pleasing in the eye—all smiles, and warm. Soon when he had his own ship and goods to trade, the Weasel in his name was ignored. He was just called the Merchant Borgh, Captain Borgh, and just Borgh.