The Battle for Dayie's Freedom (Part 3.5)

There was light and darkness that existed in the world. They said that Wahid created light, where all life originated. While darkness was said to be created by Akhar, Wahid's counterpart. If Wahid is the absolute creator of the universe, then Akhar is equivalent to death of the creations. If Wahid is the light who gives life, then Akhar is the darkness who absorbs it to the void. 

It was an odd story a long time ago Dayie's mother said. Dayie asked how long it was, and her mother only responded with a smile. She was a gypsy who foretold fortune, so Dayie knew that she could say the weirdest and dandiest things.

She started with the tale of Wahid and Akhar, twins who were light and darkness. They are said to be twins who were formed to maintain balance to the universes and the next. Wahid meant 'One', whilst Akhar meant 'Another.' Together, they are 'One Another.' 

"Why is their name like that, Mother?"

"It's because they cannot exist without each other."