
'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Original Void]

(Origin Pov)

The transformation ended. He looked really cute, asleep. I and my beloved should be able to exit this [Original Void] without ending all of the realities. (A/N Idk if this narcissism, (she) looks just like Origin just different hair and eye colors)

I hold him, no, her now. As I look over to the endless darkness while closing my eyes, I begin to look for a reality for us to visit. The nearest one seems fine.

She is still asleep, the power of the end still merging with her. The transformation was the first phase.

As I look at that reality I find someone playing God, sending normal humans to other universes in that reality... the guy playing god doesn't even come close to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of my power and yet he dares try playing god and giving people 'Systems.'

My beloved's reality had this kind of 'System' thing maybe I should make one for both of us. I start making the System to only show us our 'Status' as we don't really need anything, we can just do anything. I don't think we will even use this 'System' thing anyway, never hurts to try~

(Jake Pov)

As I wake up, I feel full of power. Seems like I have a body now, I check around my new body... I'm a loli now, and I'm currently naked. I look around to find Origin only to see her closing her eyes and doing something.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

She opens her eyes and happily nods and says, "I was making those System thing, it's quite simple..."

"Ohhh, can I get one!" I blush as it seems my personality became a little childish... can't blame myself I'm currently a loli.

"Sure!" Origin happily nods.

Then a box appears in-front of me,


"Think, 'Status' to view your Status."

'Status' I say loud in my head.

" [

Name -

Power - Beyond Omnipotence.

Power Ranking in all Realities - #1.


I narrow my eyes at the Name label as the name doesn't fit well with this body. I have the power of End, I think I should name myself End. Maybe my last name should be Reality, it was one of the first things I heard from Origin too.

"Hey Origin, I'm going to Name myself End Reality, is it alright with you?" I ask with a little slump shoulders because of my current body.

"Sure! Since We're married, I'll be Origin Reality!" She says as she lifts her chin up, proudly.

*Sigh* I need to get used to this. She is just too cute. I'm thankful to have a wife like her.

"So where are we going?" I ask with a sigh.

"Uhhh~ We're going to the reality closest to use, it's called the (Reality #42069)~ There is this guy playing god who is just a puny little cultivator and this puny cultivator is sending people to 'anime worlds' in his reality so I thought how about we replace him and mess around with 'otakus,' it seems fun!" Origin says with a little smug.

Yeah that seems fun as I evilly smirk.

(A/N Jake is now End Reality.)

(Pov End Reality.)

"Sure, but I need to get used to this body first..." says End with shame.

Origin then teleport's right behind me and places her arms around my neck then whispers next to my left ear, "I'll teach you a lot in bed~~ I made a bedroom over 856 sextillion years ago, it's also where I watch all of creation as-well~~" (A/N Sextillion = 10^21)

As she says that she teleport's me and her to a bedroom, a really big one at that. The room is probably around 500 meters... as I was thinking what she just said she pulled me in the bed as she took her clothing off. I was already naked since I just woke up from the transformation.

(A/N OwO what's this? I wonder what will happen next.)