'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - My Hero Academia Universe]

(Pov Author) (A/N I find it easier to do it in 3rd person, I'll do it from 3rd person mostly from now on!)

End looked at the weak form of All-Might with a cheeky smile and said, "Heya~ All-Might."

"Young End and Young Origin, what are you doing here, it's staff only!" All-Might said, panicking.

"Don't worry no one can see us or hear us beside you." Origin said with a neutral face.

"There are cameras here!" Exclaimed All-Might.

"Even cameras can't see or hear us." End replies to All-Might's exclamation.

"...why are you here then." All-might asks, not in his usual loud and happy voice.

"Oh~ we wanted to know how you got that injury beside your chest." End says while her red eyes glow.

"How did you know!" All-Might says.

"Nothing can be hidden from us~" Origin says as her eyes blue eyes also glow.

"We could heal you for a price." End says to All-Might with a devil's smile.

"...and what is the price?" All-Might says, a little hope was lit in his eyes.

"...the price is for you to" End pauses to create suspense.

End continues, "...dye your hair pink."

Origin starts laughing imagining All-Might's hair pink while doing his signature smile. End just giggles.

"...is that it Young End and Young Origin?" All-Might asks while narrowing his eyes in disbelief.

"Yep~ we could do it right now, if you want." End says to All-Might.

"No, it's fine I'll keep my promise first, that is what heroes do!" Yelled all-might.

"Okay~ then." End snaps her hand and All-Might's injuries are healed plus his hair is now pink.

"Wow, you, Young Origin and Young End are better than recovery girl in terms of healing!" All-Might yelled as he transformed into his super-form.

"Nah~ it takes too much out of us, we can only do it once a year." Origin lies to All-Might as End or Origin didn't want to be bothered with it.

Then both Origin and End disappears from All-Might's view.

"Thank you, Young End and Young Origin." All-Might says in a whisper.


[Place - End and Origin's Mansion]


"...maybe we should do some villain stuff when we're out of school?" End asked Origin.

"Great idea! That way it seems to be more fun than the boring play hero." Origin replied to End's question with a mysterious grin.

"Heh~ Let's use make it so we look like someone else to others so we don't get caught~" End suggests with the same grin as Origin.

"Hmm~ for ability I'll use the ability to manipulate glass~" Origin says.

"For my ability it will be Gravity manipulation~ please only use one ability, we don't wanna get caught after all~" End says as she laughs like an evil demon lord.

Origin snaps her hands as Fog begin to gather around End and Origin then disperses in a second.

"I made it so to people and cameras we appear plus sound like two robbers, height about 5'8, voice is deep, and we have our face and skin covered with a black cloak.." Origin says.

"Let's go make some havoc~" End says as she and Origin disappear from the house and appear somewhere else.


[Place - Random City]

End and Origin are in the center of a random city, End pulls out her arms in both direction, left and right.

"Almighty Push~" End says as gravity begins to push everything from all direction away from End and Origin.

Aftermath of what End did is a destroyed city in all direction, all that is left is destroyed and crumbled houses. (A/N remember what pain did to the Leaf village? Yeah that but in a bigger scale.)

"Let's now wait for them to arrive~" Origin says as she creates a huge glass, the size of the glass was the size of the previous city, now destroyed, the glass covered the whole base of the city.

End creates a microphone and a speaker that are connected, so when the heroes and police can hear them.

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

Police and Heroes arrive to the seen, they seen what has happened. They were called here by End, she called them on a random phone she found, she told them the city was destroyed.

"Woah! What the hell happened here." Said randomPolice1.

"What could cause so much destruction!" Said randomPolice2.

"I think the villain who did this has a powerful quirk." Said randomHero1.

"Heh~ true my quirk is very powerful, thank you!" End says to them with the microphone.

"YOU! Why would you kill millions of innocent life in the city!" Yelled randomHero2.

"Cause this is our Villain debut! You heroes and all those craps have their own hero debut so why can't we~" Origin says to them with a mocking tone.

"..." They all were stunned.

"You killed them for such a simple reason?" Said randomHero2.

"Yeah, duh~" End says.

"...You will pay for this you villain." Said randomHero3 as he jumped to get at us. He stopped mid-air.

"Oh~ did I forget to mention I have the ability to control Gravity?" End says playfully.

"And I have the ability to create glass anywhere~" Origin says as glass was created inside randomHero3's body which were now poking out of him.

All of them got scared sh*tless, someone of the heroes and policemen tried to run but I stopped them by pressuring them with gravity then Origin created sharp long glasses inside their body, killing them.

End and Origin saw the cameraman was also trying to run away, but End stopped him with also Gravity manipulation, then she looked at the camera and said "Hope you audience like our Villain Debut~ The next city will be {Insert Random City} in two days! You can call me Tokha, and you can call my partner in crime Ahkot."

End and Origin killed everyone there except for the cameraman then flew away with End's gravity manipulation to a safe space then teleport-ed to their house. (A/N It would be stupid to just fly to your own house, as they knew something was watching them (the satellite), the world is more advanced than ours.)

The cameraman was stunned, he had a few heart attacks right then when End stopped him from moving.

(A/N Villain team all the way!)