25. Previous Loli's Adventure #2

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Random Cultivation Universe, Random World, Random Forest]

(Pov Author)

"Huh what is the [Original Void], even if my soul is immortal I'll only survive for a femtosecond there!" Ambrosia said out loud outside of the hut. She was totally shocked such a thing existed that even if her soul becomes immortal it would only be able to survive in the [Original Void] for a femtosecond!

After the initial shock, she then headed inside the hut. The door had a lock inside, thankfully. She looked around it was a small hut there was only two rooms. One was the bathroom and one was a room. In the bathroom it contained the usual stuff a bathroom would have. In the room it had the stuff a bedroom would have.

There was also a mat that outlined the lotus position saying, "Cultivate here."

'I think I can reach Rank 1 of Level 1 in a day as by the talent I asked for and the saying in the Cultivation technique. I'll no longer need to eat, drink or sleep. My body will automatically use the QI around me.' Ambrosia thought in her head, excited.

Ambrosia sat on the mat in the lotus position like the mat had outlined. She then began to breathe in and out, slowly, then started to Cultivate OCSBM. (A/N - OCSBM means Omniversal Cultivation for Soul, Body, and Mind.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Time-Skip - half a day]

[] A semi-loud explosion sound came from Ambrosia's body signifying that she had broke-through to Level 1 of Rank 1 for the OCSBM technique. (A/N - Not going to lie, this sounds weird to say, OCSBM, like BDSM.)

"Finally, I broke through. That didn't take long as I thought, it's night currently, I started to cultivate around morning." Ambrosia said as she stretched her arms and legs.

'In the Cultivation Technique it said it would take the peak of talent at-least 1 day to Complete, but I only took half a day.' Ambrosia said in her head.

Then a note appeared in front of her that said, "I can half the talent if you'd like~ - End and Origin" It disappeared after Ambrosia read it.

"No, no, please don't I'm not complaining!" Ambrosia said, panicked.

Another note appeared, "That is what I thought~ You're exactly 2 times better then the peak of talent, you're welcome~ - End and Origin." It burned after Ambrosia read it.

"Thank you the Supreme Powerful End and the Supreme Powerful Origin." Ambrosia said looking high up in the sky with a teary eyes. (A/N - Like the people in Cultivation worlds would say, Shameless!)

Ambrosia goes outside the hut to see if there are anybody or anything around, there is nothing but trees. She assumed this to be kind of deserted place. She went back in and noticed that her clothes weren't dirty at-all from when she cultivated till now.

'Must be the clothes clean on their own.' She assumed.

She goes back in the mat hoping to reach Rank 4, Level 1, Low Saint in at-least 100 year so she doesn't die when she ventures out of the forest. She then starts cultivating, free from noticing anything happening to her surrounding, if someone wanted to kill her, this would be the best time as she is only Rank 1, level 1 currently.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Time-Skip - 83 years]

[] A very loud explosion sound was heard, louder than the first explosion Ambrosia had experienced. This signified that she has broken to Low Saint or Rank 4, Level 1.

'Now, the Cultivation will get harder, perhaps 1 - 100 years per each Level in only the saint rank... Cultivation is very fun, this only felt like 2 weeks at-most.' Ambrosia said as she got up from the hut, the clothes she was wearing 83 years ago. She still looked young and very beautiful even though it has been decades.

'I ask the great gods, Origin and End, how long have I been here?' Ambrosia prayed to Origin and End, she was totally loyal to them and thought of them as the only True Gods. (A/N - Very true.)

A note appeared in front of Ambrosia, it said, "83 years exactly - Origin and End." It withered away after Ambrosia read it.

'Oh! That's less than 100 years! Thank you great gods, I should probably go to a human inhabited place.' Ambrosia thought as she picked up her backpack, and destroyed the hut with her telekinesis, which could now destroy a whole Galaxy.

She used [Soul Sense] and covered the whole planet to create a picture of the planet in her mind, it was 1000x bigger than her Second-Life's planet, Earth. She saw that a Village was nearby, about 100 Miles from here. (A/N - it was in the technique~)

She started to run to the village's direction which was east, she was fast as light, it took her 0.000536819 seconds to reach the village's gates. (A/N - Flash got nothin' on her!)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Place - Random Cultivation Universe, Random World, Random Village]

Ambrosia saw a knight in-front of gate, she detected at-most he can fight with a tiger from her last world and had no cultivation even unique to this world.

The knight had saw that a woman just appeared out of no-where, he couldn't even see when she came there, it was akin to Teleportation for his eyes. He assumed she was a cultivator or an immortal in-terms of this planet. (A/N - She was running at the speed of right. I know, if you can move at a speed of light there will be a lot of problems like you not being able to see is one, but this is a fantasy world.)

"Hello lady immortal, how can this humble village help you." Asked the knight carefully but he couldn't hide his scared face.

Ambrosia didn't speak she used her [Soul View] and read his memories. She saw many things she needed, information of this world, kingdoms, and currency.

The currently were Copper, Gold, and Platinum coins. Ambrosia had 10000 Copper, 1000 Gold and 100 Platinum Coins in the backpack. Each world 100 times more than the last. (A/N - 1 Gold = 100 Copper.)

'Hehehe, I'm already rich considering how much I have in my backpack~' Ambrosia giggled in her head but keeping a neutral face in front of the guard.

People were scared of 'immortals' or cultivators as their power ruled in this world, like any Cultivation worlds. The ranking system of this world goes,

[Name] - [Ambrosia's Body Cultivation Comparation]

[Body Refinement, 1 - 9 Stages] - [ Rank 1, Level 0.2]

[Qi Refinement, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 0.5]

[Earth Mortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 0.7]

[Sky Mortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 0.9]

[Emperor Mortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1]

[Saint Mortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.12]

[Earth Immortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.19]

[Sky Immortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.21]

[Emperor Immortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.24]

[Saint Immortal, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.28] -- (Can Destroy Small Villages)

-----------------------Big Gap------------------------------

[Sovereign, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.34]

-----------------------Divine Realms------------------------

[Earth Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.38]

[Sky Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.43]

[Spirit Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.47]

[King Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.52]

[Emperor Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.58]

[Sovereign Divine, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.7] -- (Can Destroy Big Villages)

---------------------Deity Realms----------------------------

[Low Deity, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 1.9]

[Mid Deity, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 2]

[High Deity, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 2.11]

[King Deity, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 2.17]

[Deity of Deity, 1 - 9 Stages] - [Rank 1, Level 2.4] -- (Can Destroy Small Cities)


??? (A/N - Unknown for now.)


'Wow, they are weak. Well I guess I'm too strong, from that guy's memory the strongest person is the Master of a sect called [Heaven's Sword], he is in [King Deity] Rank, Stage 8. He is over 4000 years old. He lives in the kingdom nearest to me. What a luck.' Ambrosia thought with an evil chuckle.

The kingdom she is talking about is named, [Blue Kingdom]. It's the biggest and the strongest kingdom in the world because of how many ancient clans and ancient sects reside there.

'Maybe I should destroy some clans and sect.' Ambrosia thought as she smirked, she hated arrogant people with no power for themselves to back it. Basically she hated the arrogant young-masters that do whatever they want because of their family's power.

A note appeared in front of Ambrosia, it said, "I'm proud of you, you've grown so well. Maybe we can meet again if you reach Supreme God. - End & Origin." The note burned to dust after Ambrosia read it. The dust flew to the west, where the kingdom of [Blue] was.

She smiled as she remembered the two of them, she wanted to meet them again and show her gratitude. She got another motivation to Reach the final rank, Supreme God, this day. 5493 miles to the west of this village.


(A/N Yeah, this will be kinda like a mini-story in a story, I'm planning to do this with 'interesting' Otakus, what do you think? I don't know as Origin and End won't be shown much in the 'mini-story.')