27. Previous Loli's Adventure #4

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

- Sound - (, )

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

- Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

(Pov Author)

[Place - Random Cultivation Universe, Random World, Blue Kingdom, Some Fancy Restaurant]

Ambrosia starred at Long Tian's father then said, "A little [Low Deity] dares to challenge me?"

"..." Long Tian's father noticed how he couldn't sense Ambrosia's cultivation, he initially thought she was using an artifact to hide her cultivation, but looking at her calm composure to his raging aura, he now thought otherwise.

"I'll destroy your whole clan, I had come here to have fun but now you have angered me enough." Ambrosia said releasing a pressure that made the Low Deity cultivator kneel on the floor.

Ambrosia continued, "You think I'll marry some disgusting spoiled brat? No. Like I said before your death will be painful unlike the others in your clan."

"p-pl-ea-se" Long Tian's father could barely mutter a word from the pressure he was feeling currently, it felt like a dozen mountain was suddenly on top of him.

"No." Ambrosia replied as she used her telekinesis to crush Long Tian's father's balls with the force to destroy a Planet. (A/N - Ouch.)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A terrible painful cry could be heard in the restaurant, Long Tian's father screamed as hard as he could from his balls being crushed by a Planet-Destroying force even in the bone-crushing pressure. If you could see his balls now, it would probably looked like a flattened pancake.

"Oh, don't worry this is just a start~" Ambrosia said with a sadistic smile.

She took a chair from one of the restaurant's table and put the scared guy to sit on it with her telekinesis. She then used [Soul View] and read the guy's memories on his clan.

'So he is the clan leader, Long Bian, there are two ancestors of the clan they both are respectively [King Deity] Stage 2 and Stage 4. They are over 4000 years old.' Ambrosia thought.

Ambrosia then looked at Long Bian who was gasping for air as his balls literally just got crushed into flat pancakes by Ambrosia.

"Now, shall we make it more painful~" Ambrosia said stretching her arms and cracking her fingers.

She then began to use [Soul Torture] which will torture a soul non-stop, this will only stop if the user of the [Soul Torture] stops or the [Soul] of the target is stronger, which only Origin and End are, which is infinitely times stronger than Ambrosia's.

The pain of a soul is more painful than the pain for a body.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Screamed Long Bian's body and soul from pain that Ambrosia was causing him. (A/N - This is not a moan or a groan, this is THE scream of agony)

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

The waiter came in finally after trying to ignore all the screaming as he knew it was the scream of Long Bian, the leader of Long clan.

"Oh hey waiter guy, could I order food again." Ambrosia asked, while the scream in the background still there.

"Yes ma'am." The waiter said scared sh*tless.

"Same order, here is 5 gold, 1 gold for the food and 4 gold for destroying the walls and furniture." Ambrosia said.

The waiter nodded and took the money and went fast as he could to the cook to make the food immediately.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Time-Skip - 4 minutes]

The cook didn't take long as last time, it was faster. The waiter probably rushed the cook because of how scared he was. The waiter brought the food to Ambrosia's table and Ambrosia then started to eat it.

The scream of Long Bian was still there, screaming.

'Man, cultivators can scream for a long time~" Ambrosia thought as she ate.

[Time-Skip - 7 minutes]

Ambrosia was done eating. She looked back at the chair Long Bian was on, screaming. She then canceled [Soul Torture] then looked at him.

"Would you like more or die." Ambrosia asks him.

"I-I-I d-die" Long Bian said, not even caring about his clan or anything, his face was fully pale.

"Okay then." Ambrosia said that and used telekinesis to crack his head, killed him. Then she carried his body 100 meters in the sky with telekinesis.

She then headed to Long Clan's location in the Kingdom, she was going to destroy the clan for annoying her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Place - Random Cultivation Universe, Random World, Blue Kingdom, Long Clan]

"Members of the Long Clan you're all going to die." She declared in-front of the Long Clan.

Many people heard that in the Long Clan, they all came out to see who was bold enough to fight against them. They saw it was only one person, they laughed.

As they laughed, Ambrosia smirked and dropped the head of the Long clan's dead body from the sky. People were surprised as the head was a [Low Deity] one of the strongest in the Kingdom.

They looked at Ambrosia, she didn't even have a scratch when fighting a [Low Deity] even a High Deity would get some kind of injury or scratches. They didn't laugh anymore, they knew this was a serious threat now.

Two of the ancestors of Long Clan came out, they looked at Ambrosia and one of them said, "Brazen! You think you can defeat us, little girl!"

"Oh well, you will be an example than." Ambrosia said as she went in-front of the Ancestor who spoke and smacked his head, breaking his whole skull, killing him.

Ambrosia then continued, "Oh, well why set an example when every one here is going to die~"

Everyone shuddered.

"P-please tell uu-s wha-t w-e d-id wro-ng" Asked a RandomClansPerson obviously scared.

"Since you're all going to die, I'll tell you, your 'little' clan leader here dared even to try force me to be his little son's wife, now me being the great me gave him a chance to leave but he didn't leave so I gave him a 'little' torture until he died." Ambrosia said to all of them.

Ambrosia then continued with a smile., "I'll give you all a quick death except for the Long Tian, he will die like his father."

"Please! We will give away Lian Tian for survival of our clan!" The last of the ancestors said in a panicked voice.

"No." Ambrosia said then moved at the speed of light, appearing behind the last ancestor and punching him in the head with the strength to destroy a country, giving him an instant death.

Ambrosia then started to look at everyone, she didn't care if they were children, women, or men. She moved at the speed of light in-front of everyone and giving them an instant death, it was not much of their fault, but who cares.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

While a massacre was happening outside, Long Tian was sleeping soundly, in bed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Everyone in the Long Clan is dead. Blood is everywhere, most of the corps who still had a head had their eyes wide open, fear could be seen in their dead eyes. They all died a quick death, they didn't even notice how they died, before they could even react they died.

"Phew~ Now to find Long Tian as he is the only one left now." Ambrosia said as she used [Soul Sense] to find Long Tian in the Long Clan.

Ambrosia sensed with her [Soul Sense] Long Tian was in bed, sleeping peacefully. He seemed like he didn't care about a thing in the world as he slept, not even assassins that other ancient clans members could have sent.

"Young-masters are so confident with their backgrounds, they think it will protect them whenever and from whatever. This, young-master of the Long Clan is literally sleeping through all the screams and loud noises that literally just happened outside his home..." Ambrosia muttered, she was speechless.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ambrosia went inside the room Long Tian was sleeping in. She released a bit of pressure to wake Long Tian up.

He woke up, after a bit of rubbing his eyes he saw that it was Ambrosia. He smirked thinking, 'Father probably forced her like he said!'

Long Tian yelled with confidence, "Now serve me, b*tch!"

"..." Ambrosia was speechless again with the ignorance of this, young-master from a cultivation world.

'Are they this dumb?' Ambrosia thought with a blank face.

"Didn't you hear me, b*tch!" He yelled again with his face full of delight.

"You know, I just massacred your whole clan while you were just sleeping soundly through all that..." Ambrosia said as she used telekinesis to pull Long Bian, Long Tian's Father's head from outside the Clan.

Ambrosia showed the floating dead body of Long Tian's father. The face showed regret and pain.

Long Tian became pale. He never thought his father who was a Low Diety to die from a random woman he just met in a restaurant.

"I-impossible!" He screamed.

"Yeah, yeah. Now it's time for you to go like your father did as well, maybe after the torture you will meet your father in hell or maybe reincarnate more intelligent than now." Ambrosia said as she used [Soul Torture] on Long Tian.


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(A/N - I have nothing to say :(, this chapter may have many errors as I rushed a bit.)