Chapter 148: We Are Broke!

Tang Li Xue also realized that after her registration in this education building, her bronze badge and her bronze card were connected.

There were still ninety credits left in Tang Li Xue's bronze card after the white light flew away from her bronze badge and entered the Li Jing's team bronze badge.

Tang Li Xue knew that these credits were the currency in the Myriad Foxes Academy but the others did not know about it yet.

After Instructor Mei Lan dismissed the class, Tang Li Xue and the other went back into their tall residential building.

They all were starving so they decided to look for the place to eat in that residential building and they managed to find a big restaurant on the first floor.

Among them all, only Tang Li Xue and Li Jing could use their [Telepathy] skill proficiently so the two of them were like the leader in their respective team right now.

But Tang Li Xue was instantly shocked when she opened the menu book on their table.