Chapter 324: Countless Deadly Traps!

The [Talisman of Numbness +3] alleviated the female lizard's pain, while [Talisman of Regeneration +3] started to heal the female lizard's wound.

Tang Li Xue already used these two talismans before, but it was clearly far from enough to completely cure all of the female lizard's wounds.

The heavily wounded female lizard would at least need another three or four [Talisman of Regeneration +3] to completely stop its profuse bleeding and recover its lost limbs.

The female lizard's wounds were far too heavy after all. It was not simply stabbing or slashing wounds, so it would take more time for [Talisman of Regeneration +3] to heal all of its wounds.

The recovery effect of [Talisman of Regeneration +3] was also gradual over time, and it would probably take one or two hours for the female lizard to recover completely.

Instructor Mei Lan, Bing Yi, and Hei Yinghao clearly did not have that much time to wait for it right now.