Chapter 355: Instructor Mei Lan's Plan!

"All right, everyone! This is the plan...." Instructor Mei Lan proceeded to tell Tang Li Xue, Bing Yi, and Hei Yinghao about her plan since the plan needs their cooperation.

After Instructor Mei Lan told her plan to all of her students, the only thing left for them was to execute it flawlessly without any mistake.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH~!!!" Hei Yinghao suddenly groaned out loud in pain while holding his stomach to draw the attention of all guards.

Just like how they planned it before, all of the imperial guards' attentions focused on Hei Yinghao in that instant.

Hei Yinghao hastily ran toward the door while kept holding his stomach. When he faced the imperial guards who guarded the door, he immediately said: "I... I cannot hold it anymore! Please, let me go to the toilet right now! I need to take a crap immediately."