Strength of Level 2 Black Bear

"Raawwwwwrrrr!" roared the big ass black bear and started running towards them.

"Mother Fu*k!!" Matt cursed out loud then turned to the Guide right beside him and said "Start the safari we have to run! run! run!"

"Relax, there are wires around the road they usually don't cross it" said the guide.

No one other then Matt understood the danger they were in especially the tourists who once again took photos of the Black Bear this time everyone used the flashes.

"RRAAAAWWWWWRRRR!" the black bear roared in anger so high that everyone had to close their ears.

The distance between the bear and the safari was not more than 2 Km. and since the bear was running at his full speed then he would reach them at max in 2 minutes.

"F*ck! I am not dying here" said Matt as he grabbed the guide by his collar and pulled him towards himself as he sat on the driver's seat and in a swift motion started the Safari accelerating it.

As Matt was driving the safari, the guide beside him said "Hey you can't do that only i can drive this Safari here in the Forest as only I know the way around here"

"Shut the fu*k up! There is 6.10 feet black bear behind us who is apparently running at the average speed of 85 km/h atleast and you are talking about rules with me" snarled Matt at the idioticness of the tour Guide as he knew that if he wasn't here then all of these people would have died because of him which they must have in his previous life.

"Umm..... the black bear isn't running behind us but beside us" said Natasha who was sitting beside the guide where originally Matt was sitting.

"What!?" exclaimed Matt as he looked to his right and saw the black bear running diagonally to them and closing the distance little by little.

"What the hell!?" mumbled Matt as he couldn't understand the reason but then remembered that the Black bear were supposedly much more intelligent than chimpanzees in some cases and after reaching level 2 this Black bear's intelligence had reached at the level of an early teenager. If that wasn't enough then there were still some tourists sitting behind Matt who weren't able to understand the dangerous situation they were in as they continued click the photos of the black bear.

"Stop taking pictures dammit you have already angered it enough!" shouted Matt.

"Why should we!? Didn't the guide said that it won't come here, the bear must be curious that why he must be running beside us" said a grizzly bearded man.

Hearing the words of that man Matt for full 10 seconds thought of throwing that man out of the safari just so that he could use that man as a bait and save the others but he knew that there were still 44 days before the apocalypse and he didn't wanted to be seen as a criminal before it.

So without saying anything else he stepped on the accelerator and drived the safari in the maximum speed possible but as a modified Safari it's Maximum speed was only 90 km/h. As he was driving Matt saw another Safari right in front of him but before he could reach it, he heard another roar of the bear.

"Rrraaawwwrr" Matt heard the roar making him step on the breaks right in time to see the black bear jumping from above the wires right in front of the safari then rolling over to the left due to his excessive speed.

"Ahh!!" "Oh!" "Gasp" some cried in pain due to their head butting with the seat in front of them some gasped in shock while those intelligent ones who have been paying attention grabbed the seats with their hands and protected themselves but no one complained to Matt as if he was late by even a second then the black bear would have landed on the safari.

Matt didn't had the time to care about others nor the safri in front of him, he changed the gear to reverse and stepped on the accelerator moving the safari backwards in full speed.

"Aaahhhh!" shouted the man with the grizzly beard in fright.

"Shut up! and Sit down I need to see the road behind if not we all will die" Matt snarled at the Grizzly beard man.

The man shut his mouth and sat on his seat without making any noise.

"Rrraawwwrr" the black bear stood up and started to run towards them.

Matt, Natasha and The Guide who were sitting in the front could see the bear was getting closer little by little.

"Are you waiting for an invitation!? Shoot that fucking bear down!!" said Matt to the Guide who was holding on to the 93 MINIMALIST BROWN which was part of the Savage arms an authentic hunting rifle. It was a Bolt action rimfire platform chambered in 22 WMR or 17 HMR, Matte Black Sporter Contour Rifle and even had a adjustable AccuTrigger, 10-Round Detachable Magazine even someone who was not good with gun could aim and shoot with it.

"Ye-yes" said the flustered Guide but he still pointed the barrel towards the black bear and fired the rifle.

*BANG* "Rrrraaawwwrr" the bullet hit the bear at his shoulder making him cry in pain, though the bear stopped for a second but he started to chase them once again this time with even greater speed than before.

"Fu*k! It's hides too thick for the bullet to pass, shoot him in the head" Matt ordered the Guide.

The guide tried to do as Matt told him to but he couldn't do it and instead shot the other shoulder of the bear.

"I can't do it!" said the Guide

"The grab on the steering and keep in steady! I will shoot" Matt said.

"Wh-What!? I can't do it! It's impossible" said Guide.

"You pi-"

"I can do it!" said Natasha interrupting Matt from his cursing.

Matt looked at Natasha then at the Guide who was moving his head from left to right looking at the two of them.

"What are you looking at!? Leave rifle and exchange seat with her." Matt ordered to which the guide followed and exchange the seats with Natasha after dropping the rifle.

Natasha grabbed the steering with her left hand as she turned her body to look behind her and keep the safari steady.

Matt picked the rifle and positioned it on his right shoulder then pulled the trigger.

*BANG* The bullet hits dead center but what Matt and even Natasha was expecting didn't happened.

"Rrraaawwwwrrrr" the Black Bear roared in pain and anger but it didn't fall.

The Level 2 Black Bears skull was so hard that even a 17 HMR or 22 WMR couldn't pierce in one go, moreover the black bear after getting injured three times became so much angrier that a red steam started to come out of it's wounds.

"We are going to die!"