Meeting new people

"No wait please wait..." cried the women and that's all Matt heard before he climbed onto the military truck and then it started moving as many people ran after it.


Due to Matt's impressive work on the field he had caught the eye of the military and was offered a deal from them which was that he had to fight for them against the zombies and beasts while they took care of his family and their needs and necessities. Since that time his only goal was to take care of his niece and nephew he accepted that offer, which was one of the reasons that Matt was able to survive for so long, as he knew that without Military there was no way he would be able to get out of many places alive.

Seeing the dead body of the girl that the zombies were feasting on, Matt unconsciously remembered that women and her daughter That were the first time that Matt had turned his head away from someone who was begging for help for their child and after that, he did many of those things to keep his family safe.

Matt knew that what he was doing was right for the kids but even then his heart which had always received love and respect from his family and friends wasn't able to accept the fact that he neglected so many people to keep his family safe. All because he was a weakling and not strong enough o help those in need.

"MATT!" Mike shouted in the ears of his friend to wake him up.

"Huh! WHat? What happened?" asked Matt regaining his senses.

"You tell me! What happened to you man? It was like you weren't even here!" said Mike.

"Ah! I am sorry! I was just thinking about something that's all" Matt replied

"He-hello!!... Is someone there!" a voice was heard by Matt and Mike and they turned his head to see that it was coming from the room, that the last zombie was trying to enter.

Interestingly it was locked from the outside. Matt couldn't help but shake his head at the stupidity of level 0 zombies, they are just newborns who don't know anything except for the fact about biting, clawing, eating, and running after the smell of blood or any sound.

If it was a level 1 zombie then even if it wouldn't have been able to open the lock but it would have been strong enough to break the door. Matt remembers that only Level 2 zombies were the ones who showed a real sign of intelligence.

Mike looked at Matt who nodded his head after which Mike walked towards the locked room and said while opening the door, "Yes we are! Just a minute we will open this door"

After that Matt opened the door of the room and saw a raven-haired woman who looked older than him around 26 or 27 sitting on the floor while hugging a 10-year-old boy who had been most likely crying till now from the red eyes of his.

"Hello, my name Michale Robinson but friends and family call me Mike. We are living on this floor only and when we heard someone calling for help we decided to check your room" Mike said introducing himself to the scared women and equally scared kid. He knew it was his job to make these people understand the situation as Matt was not in his right state.

"O-ou-our fam-family!" asked the women.

"I am sorry but all of them became zombies and we had to take care of them to be able to save you" Mike replied while looking down. He knew he wouldn't take the news well if someone told him that they had killed them after they became zombies.

"Mom! Dad! Big brother! Nancy...sniff sniff.... aahh waah" the 10-year-old kid started to cry while remembering his family

"no no no no aaahhhh...." the raven-haired women also started to cry in agony not controlling herself anymore.

Matt was not far from the room and heard the conversation between them and when Mike wanted to move inside to console them Matt grabbed his hand and said "Let them cry it's better to release these emotions than keep them bottled up inside"

The 10-year-old kid released himself from the raven-haired women's grasp and ran towards the door. Mike gave him the way not able to think about what to do in these situations.

The 10-year-old kid came out of the room ad saw the bodies of his family laying on the floor without their head.

"Dad! Mom! Big Bro! Aaahhh....whhaaaa" the kid went from one body to another but knew they were dead as their head was laying somewhere else. But then he saw the body of his little sister laying there on the ground her head was still on its body. Just her stomach was torn open with her intestines spilling out on the ground, she was missing most of the flesh from her right leg while half of her face was eaten as well.

"Na-Nancy ahh... Nancy" the 10-year-old boy walked towards his little sister with a hope that she may still be alive.

"Kid she is..." Mike wanted to tell him the truth but stopped himself as he knew that he won't be able to stop him no matter what he said, the kid was just finding a way to release his emotions and none of them were psychologists to understand what the boy was going through.

"Get away from her!" Matt ordered, he knew what the kid was trying to do but he also knew that the girl would be waking up any second.

"No! No! no! Nancy! Nancy!" the 10-year old boy didn't listen to Matt and started to shake his little sister hoping that she would wake up, which she did.

"Shit!" cursed Matt as he saw the recently dead little girl's hand moving and grabbing on to his shoulder.

"Gaa.. argh" came the noise from the little zombie girl's mouth as she moved her half-eaten face towards her brother.

Matt dashed towards the two as the little girl's mouth almost bit on the 10-year-olds, he was yanked away from the little girls grasp.

*Clack* came to the noise as the little girls now blackened teeth bit empty air.
