Death Returns (II): Level Up!

NAME: [Rezar Deathwind] [age: 16] [Race: Human+ (????)]

CLASS: [Advanced Slave(lv9) (0/28,000)] [Advanced Miner(lv5) (0/24,000)] [Advanced Necromancer(lv5) (0/70,000)] [Death Lord(lvl1) (0/30,000)]

EXP: [Normal Exp: 80] [Battle Exp: 8,648] [Quest Exp: 1060]

TRAITS: [Son of Death] [Angel of Death] [N/A] [N/A]

STATS: [Power (TIER 3): 133] [Speed (TIER 3): 148] [Defense (TIER 3): 117] [MAGIC (TIER 4): 173]

BONUS: [+85% To All Death and Black Magic] [+5% To All Mining Activities] [-20% To Running Speed and +100% Cost to All Purchased Goods] [80% Damage from Light & Holy Magic. 40% Damage from Fire & Lightening Magic. 40% Resistance to All Elements Except Fire and Lightning] [+50% to Power, Magic, Mental and Defense. You cannot be killed except by an Item of Holy or Demonic Might]

Rezar was very annoyed, in his excitement about finally getting out of this bloody dungeon, he had completely forgotten that the cost for leveling up his classes were double the required amount. Which is to say he had given up the exp that could have easily taken all his stats into tier 4 if not past it. Tier 3 was the peak of what you would call the low level powerhouses, it was from tier 4 and above that people would start taking you seriously.

But none the less he had his magic stat in tier 4, that was a consolation at least, but it could be more and he had lost a very good opportunity. He got a bunch of new skills, but he couldn't be bothered with those at the moment, if he had to be honest he didn't even want any new skills, over the eight months he's been here, he had learned to master his previous skill sets, increasing their level and, making those skills his rather than some thin g given by Elysium.

Having a bunch of new skills to deal with was a bit too bothersome, he had to take things a bit slow, besides he had a plan that he wanted to carry out, and more combat skills would be nothing more than a hassle for him. Never the less he was done here, once he gets out of here he would check his skills at the town spire for good measure and pay a visit to Priest, assuming he was still around.

Rezar sat down on the platform, watching as this quad of undead took care of the army of monsters. He only had the four of them now, every other undead was dead, so the plan of a grand army was out of the question, however he didn't have an army now, but he could at least go out there and get one for himself.

Rezar didn't think he was going to be gone for this long, but he before he left he put all of his remaining undead to work, the moles probably left behind a heap of ores, and he had actually kept that in a secret location. But the ores were inconsequential to what he was really looking forward to, and that had to be the project he had the giant ants take care of. He doubted they actually got as far as he wanted them to, but they should have made significant progress, and he could pick from there.

He was going back with a lot more cards than he came here with, and with a lot more schemes and plans to carry out. Rezar couldn't help but smile, his mistake with his exp aside he was extremely optimistic about the future and he had a really stupid smile on his face. There was just something to be said about the joy and pleasure of achieving something, he leaned back on the dungeon core as he took a look at a rather special skill he gained after getting to Advanced necromancer.

[Summon Undead: Basic Level 1: Summon a basic skeleton from the underworld, with 60% of the summoner's Power, Defense, Speed and Magic (note: class of skeleton summoned is random)]

This was probably an advanced form of the raise undead skill, the raise undead skill needed a corpse to work on, and the fresher the dead body the higher the success of the skill. Of course Rezar had leveled the skill up to a point where he was sure he could raise a dead body that has been dead for months! And it was hard raising said skill as the monsters spawned by the dungeon during his captivity were pretty much incapable of being raised.

But he had succeeded once, though the monster had only been alive for six seconds, it was enough to raise the level of the skill by 8 whole levels. It was at that moment Rezar really understood that it wasn't just to use the skills, but to understand and study them, learn what they were meant for and how they were activated. Basically it was like turning off the automatic mode and choosing to go manual. It was harder, but it was much more rewarding, and it made Elysium feel more like a real world than an over glorified game.

[You have completed the bonding process and are now the master of this dungeon core!]

[Take control of this dungeon or move dungeon core to be planted in another location]

[You have decided to take the dungeon core, please plant core in a suitable location to grow a dungeon within 96 hours or dungeon core will be destroyed.]

[Note: you can attach dungeon core to a town spire to upgrade its level and give it the ability to spawn monsters in defense of the location the spire is located.]

The moment Rezar finished reading that, it was as if the world itself started shaking, the land cracked as an endless void was seen, even the seemingly sunless sky grew cracks, but beyond that void of blackness, Rezar saw something that shook him a bit, and left him feeling shocked, lines upon lines of numbers and letters hung above the void. Some were in grid form, others were in a helix formation, some circular others in a pentagram.

These were codes, the programming codes that governed all of Elysium. Rezar knew that if it weren't for the skill [god sight] he would not be able to see all of those things. But knowledge of those codes were meaningless to him, and that was a can of worms he would not be opening, at least not in this lifetime anyway.

"All right you guys should gather up! Brutus stop playing around, Screet stop yanking at his horns! Neema Keep up! Oh thank you Maximillian." Rezar said to the minotaur with a smile as he handed Rezar an extremely long spinal column.

"All right guys, it's time to leave." He said to them.

"Are we going home now?" Brutus asked as he snorted, green flames billowing out of his nostrils.

"home? Nothing of the sort Brutus, we don't have a home, at least not yet. But that's why we're leaving, because we're going to find it or better yet I should say we're going to make it. And if anybody stands in our way, then we're going to take theirs too!"