The Goblin King (II): Terms

Rezar knew that the biggest advantage they had was the fact that these army of goblins were severely underestimating him and his people. Priest couldn't take an active role in this fight because he was… well because he was a priest and to him all life was sacred or some bullshit like that.

Normally it shouldn't matter much as other classes would cover for that weakness, but in this life he had chosen to have just a single class, so except for defense, buffs and healing he was useless, but then again weren't those in the job description for a priest.

But never the less there were a few points Rezar had to pay attention in this fight, one: the goblins were strong enough that even a single one of them could take out his ants. Which means they had a major stat in tier two, probably their power and with the wolves probably having tier two speed, this made them very dangerous. As powerful and useful as those ants might seem, they were only tier one undead, which meant they were just free exp for this group of goblins.

Two he had no idea just how many of them they really were, he assumed these goblins had seen his undead logging a few days ago and estimated their numbers. Or they might have seen them pass through when they were heading for the cove and came with a large enough force to completely route them out.

But the one thing he could count on now was the fact that they seemed to be here for conquest, which would give the moles enough time to get here. Neema would probably have them follow a roundabout way so that the goblins won't see them coming, so they all had to buy time here before that happens.

"The lands you walk on belong to the goblin king, we're claiming this frontier for ourselves and it would be in your best interest to fall in line and serve, there would be a place in our ranks for a necromancer such as yourself, and your abilities would be greatly valued." The goblin sitting on a larger wolf said as his brown hair was blown in the wind with a flourish befitting nobility.

He was also a hob-goblin, which would explain the hair, but beyond that their current scheme was blown wide open. This was meant to be a show of force; it was also a threat but that's not a 100% confirmed. He would either be cowered or impressed enough to fall in line, or they would beat subservience into him. But come on, they were goblins, there was absolutely no way Rezar could sell himself to them, not to mention, there's not a single person in Elysium that Rezar would allow to hold him down, no matter what, he was not going to be a slave again.

"I'm afraid I'll have to reject your gracious offer. Frankly speaking we don't have to be enemies, we can be allies and help each other grow rather than fight to steal from the other. How about it, your goblin king and I can come to a compromise, I'm sure there are services I can offer him and services that he can offer to make this a glorious alliance. So what do you say?" Rezar said as he asked with a calm voice and bright smile that was a little to fake and also quite obvious in that regard.

He had offered an olive branch, frankly speaking he didn't expect to go against every group of people out there, me against the world was just a fucking expression as any territory would need to rely on trade and alliances to survive. With this goblin king here, it made one thing quite obvious to Rezar, and that was the fact that the dark lands of the Bahrenburg frontier weren't as isolated as he thought it was, and there were also other people here fighting and clawing for resources and dominance.

"There would be no negotiation you filthy one of death! The noble personage of my king would not be making alliances with the likes of you, surrender now or prepare to be annihilated!" the hob-goblin wasn't being all that nice at all, and his companion clad in a full plate mail from head to toe banged his broad sword against his shield as he growled menacingly at Rezar.

Rezar on the other hand shook his head in exasperation as he turned to look at Lenore with a questioning gaze and a smirk on his lips. She returned a similar smile and said to him.

"Why are you so surprised Master, you can't expect sound judgement from low born monsters like goblins. We should just kill them all!"

As if that was the signal needed, moles blasted out from the eastern part of the forest, many of them already had blood on their mouth and claws, obviously they had encountered other goblin s on the way, probably scouts and they had shown no less ferocity than the one Screet and his now deceased group of friends had used when they had first attacked Rezar. And the Moles were not alone as on their backs were Gynaika and her followers.

There was a whoosh as they all threw the spears in their hands with so much speed and power that at a spot, two to three goblins were impaled and killed, the same thing went for the wolves, Lenore pulled out her Rapier, lightning sizzling across it as her form blasted into a group of goblins, her intent to kill no less small than that of the moles. Rezar ran forwards pulling his sword out from his back as he raised his hand up.

[Raise Undead]

[Skill Successful]

Rezar winced and ducked back as a goblin rider threw a flail at his face, peeling half the skin off his face. Even his tier three defense was not enough to tank that, but karma was a bitch as a giant mole snatched the goblin and gobbled him down in one swoop, but not before chewing a bit to let the flavor spread all over its tongue. Rezar shuddered as he turned, bring his sword to intercept a strike from the armored hob-goblin. He was about to attack with a skill when a fire ball smashed into the side of his head, burning his face and stripping the flesh off his modestly handsome face.

He was caught off guard by the attack, and the armored hob-goblin took advantage of it and smashed its massive shield into Rezar's chest. It cracked ribs in the process as Rezar was blasted back, his body rolling backwards like a rag doll before his head smashed into a tree stump. The subsequent crack was so loud that everyone on the battlefield paused in shock, for all intents and purposes Rezar should be dead by now.

But barely a second later he was back up to his feet, his white hair was soaked in his blood, and even pieces of what could be considered his brain. One side of his face was horribly burnt while the other was a mangled mess of flesh that showed his broken cheekbones and a hanging eyeball from his sockets. It was such a harrowing sight yet he was still standing like the pain meant nothing to him.

And then he started healing, it was slow, but they could all see it, flesh mending and the sound of bones popping back into place. But Rezar didn't wait for that as he walked forwards and picked his sword up, he swung it around a bit and then said to armored hob-goblin, his bloodied face still in full display.

"Well then, let's try again shall we?"