First Campaign 5: DEATH

Honestly speaking Rezar didn't expect the elves to make any decision n, he was a necromancer, a death class holder and frankly speaking that made him even more scarier than the devil himself. But the goblins just brought death and destruction to them, so they were pretty much on the fence about who they could trust, after all... the devil you know is better than the death reaper you don't, of course Rezar knew that proverb referred to angels; but let's face it… there was nothing Angelic about it.


He gave the order, but telepathically linked to his undead meant he could direct their movements. The ants and the goblins and their wolves all spread out like the wings of a bird, moving left and right to flank the still living army of goblins while Rezar, Screet and Neema went head first towards the army. They would be attacking from three sides, and even though it might seem suicidal, this was the best possible way they could win this fight.

[Strengthen Undead]


All the undead glowed a bright blue light as they got faster and more ferocious, at its current level, his strengthen undead skill could give a boost of 150% to all his undead. The buff from his traits made his abilities as a necromancer or with any sort of black magic skill almost op for a person of his level. Rezar surged into the crowd of goblins, a wild swing from him took off the head of every goblin in his path, with the ant he was also benefiting from the boost and turning its pincers into ferocious shears that snapped any forest wolf unfortunate enough to be in its path in half.


A fire arrow smacked into Rezar's bare chest and blasted him off the back of the ant, throwing him to the ground as his back broke on impact, not to mention his shattered ribs as the fire arrow drilled a hole into his chest, its impact breaking bones and burning organs. No matter how powerful he could get, Rezar was weak to fire, lightning, light and to some degree holy elements. But he wasn't so sure about the holy element though, odd are if it's not in a high enough concentration, all the holy element would ever do is make his passive skill [holy cells] even stronger and boosting his regeneration.

An arrow found its way into his forehead as a crude club smashed his skull in, a wooden spear tried going through his thigh, but his skin was tough enough to actually bounce it back. Rezar pushed upwards slashing both his sickles upwards, diving a goblin in half, and the other finding purchase under the jaw of another. He shifted his gaze towards Tetum and saw the hobgoblin pointing an exquisite magic wand in his direction.

[Fire Pillar]


Rezar was caught within the blast radius with a couple more goblins, killing them instantly whilst all he could do was endure the torment from the five-meter-long, ten-meter-wide AOE skill, that not killed goblins but also relived him of some of his undead. The pain was such that Rezar couldn't think for a second, but it didn't matter, this was his way, this was how he fought, he truly embodied the saying of no pain, no gain, and with that the skill came to an end.

[Black Bolt]

A shield came up in front of Tetum to block the strike, defending him with ease. But he was shocked that Rezar would be able to attack immediately after the fire pillar skill ended. It was only by sheer instinct he was able to defend himself, but in that short amount of time, Rezar had already found his way to the front of Tetum with his hands read back for a punch as both his sickles had been destroyed in the flames.

[Power Strike]

The force of the punch was so powerful it blew Tetum and both the undead and goblins fighting around him away, creating a ten-meter radius buffer zone that had absolutely no one around. Rezar had a passive skill called [Ignore Defense] and while his magical skills have not been able to fully incorporate that skill, his physical attacks and skills cause direct damage. Which would explain the shocked look on Tetum's face while his shield was still active, and the fact that half his chest was caved in. he quickly pulled out a bottle of red liquid from thin air and gulped it down, his wound rapidly healing as he shakily got back to his feet much to Rezar's shocked gaze.

But be that as it may. He wasn't stopping here and he wasn't stopping now. He rushed towards Tetum who pointed his wan at Rezar, firing off rapid bolts of flames while his other hand held a scroll with flowing golden script. Rezar immediately recognized what that script was and reacted accordingly, he had already made up his mind to kill Tetum here and there was no way he was going to let the hobgoblin to escape and bring a more dangerous and powerful force back here.


Eldritch chains with a black and purple hue surged out of Rezar's back in a second and pierced to Tetum's chest. The shock from the strike cause him to cough out blood as the teleportation scroll feel out from his hand and touched the ground. Tetum gritted his teeth and shot one last blast of flame at Rezar's face. The flames exploded with a bang, burning Rezar's head and face, taking away with shiny white hair, and even burning his skill and flesh until that was left was a charred skull with milky white eyeballs. The sight was so horrifying that many people screamed and lost the contents of their stomach.

But still Rezar kept walking forwards, at home with the pain, looking an eldritch being of death and destruction, shadows flew out of his back forming the image of wings, and slowly his skin and flesh began to return, tissue over bone, nerves, cells and everything that made him who he was. And his drew closer Tetum watched with ever growing horror, even as his life was coming to an end.

"Y-you're a m-monster! You're DEATH! STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY!"

But Rezar didn't listen, the chains on his back drew the hobgoblin closer as Rezar held him in the same way a mother would hold her child, or a man his lover, and then he sank his teeth into his neck, drawing deeply as the lifeblood of the goblin found its way into his throat. It would be a day that many would speak of for many years to come, because they would say it was one of the few times, the world of Elysium ever saw the red and gold eyes of Rezar Deathwind and the bloodlust they held."