Goblinshire (V): Horror

The bandits attacking Goblinshire weren't exactly goblins alone as the racial demographic for this area of the Kerwood forest might suggest, there were humans, goblins, orcs, elves, and bunch of other races he couldn't really point out, though quite a few of them seemed to be members of the wild tribe. Rezar ran towards the current killing, stealing and pillaging group of people, paying specific attention to the archer that just tried to take his head off, or rather actually succeeded in putting a hole through his head.

He was guided mostly by instinct rather than skill as his hunger seemed to be at the forefront of his mind. He felt an axe whistle through the air heading for his neck. Rezar moved towards the strike, getting into the personal space of the person who held the axe and letting his hand overextend over his shoulders. Fangs drawn out and stomach still burning with anger, Rezar took a deep bite on the neck of the axe wielder.