War Bends to Us, Life Falls for Us, and Death Smiles For Us

"War is a nasty business, its aftermath even for the victors has always ugly, but then again there was a difference this time, this war was not ugly for the people of Necron. there isn't much to it; war brings death, that's why it's so feared and hated. But after our stint with the Goblin King, the first of many conflicts we would have to face in order to survive the brave new world that's laid out in front of us. I've come to realize that death is what we are, as long as Necron is your home and you can a willingly spill blood, die and rise again for its glory, DEATH IS WHO YOU ARE! It is what we do, what we live, how we live, and for that reason…. War bends to us, life falls for us and death smiles for us. Necron… we won."