Changes 1

[The class system has been changed, now class would reflect a person's position in the society]

[all Traits and skills of a person has been summed up into specific skill trees. A person can only have 5 skill trees, and each skill trees can only have 5 unlocked skills. Skill trees are permanent and can't be replaced, however skill points can be used to unlock and merge certain skills from a particular skill tree, granted you meet its requirements. With lucky encounters of hard training, it is possible to have more than 5 skill trees.]

[There are no more stat points, stats can be increased from specific stat training or skill leveling up. Certain skills will not be unlockable unless stats reach a certain numerical figure, or a person has achieved a certain rank. Stats, skill trees and ranks draw from each other to give strength, none is more important than the other as a balance between them all is required.]