Blood And Snow (IV)

After the surrender of the snow elf commander, it didn't take too long for Rezar to find out that the detonator for the pillars beneath rising snow city was missing. It was good news, it meant that his army could quickly occupy the city and then march onwards to the seat of snow elf power. It was a great achievement for his soldiers, but neve the less he had other things to worry about, and that lay in the report Alistair just sent to him.

Rezar looked up at the messenger then back at the tablet in front of him. The information placed in front of him was extremely worrying, and even more so when he was right in the middle of a war. He perused the report that had been compiled, paying closer attention to the detail before he looked up and said.

"So you're telling me that right now, there's giant slab of rock 10 kilometers across hanging over my capital city."

"Yes your Majesty."