
As far as the combat abilities of Morte Bianca's soldiers went, Bragan knew they really suffered from defense. They were the fastest, and they hit the hardest and by virtue of mostly being undead, elves, and orcs, Biancans had stamina to spare. However ultimately there was a trade off, and that meant not many were resilient enough to withstand hits, not unless you were a vampire with a ridiculous healing factor.

But that was why Bragan was here today, he had tried time and time again to get an audience with Alistair, but that man was even more busier than the king. Which was why he was left with no other choice, he had to take this to the king himself. and while it should be decisively harder to get in touch with the king of Morte Bianca than its minister of Techno-Magical development and research ministry, at least that was the name it was being called for now as it would be subject to change like the last four names.