
"Eh what happened? Are you sure about this?" Hayley asked the next morning when Amber came to them and told them her plans.

Amber smiled apologetically, "I know it is sudden but something came up and I really had no other choice but to change my plans."

"Wouldn't you be short of money? I mean you will have to pay for everything just as you have said," Alissa asked.

All three of them were in the coffee shop of the hotel. In reality, after Amber started working with them and would sometimes be standing in the reception accepting customers herself, the hotel started getting more and more customer.

Of course, they didn't want to exploit her so their questions right now are purely out of concern. The hotel's guests are just second.

"Don't worry, another reason why I also have to give myself as much time as possible is because I will be helping the computer science department with the database protection," she replied confidently but in reality she still haven't gotten a response regarding that matter.

"But our customers..Ouch" Hayley pouted as she rub her head that was hit by her mother.

At some unknown point in time, her mother was already behind them.

"What are you talking about, it was already a blessing that she had brought more customers to our place because she became a receptionist. I'm sorry about that," Elloise berated as she apologize to Amber.

Amber smiled and shook her head, the past month allowed her to understand this family. Elloise was truly a warm and kind hearted mother, despite the visible barrier between them she still treated Amber with sincerity and kindness.

Hayley was outgoing and speak without thinking first, she may come rude at times but she didn't mean bad. She was plainly outspoken and rush but you can see her kindness within her words. That is also why Amber felt at ease while being with her for this whole month.

Alissa was a bit on the mature side but her actions were always in consideration with the people around her.

"I really am grateful that it is your family whom I've met upon arriving here. I was able to be at peace instantly and didn't find it strange to remain in this place."

"Hey stop that, you're talking like you're saying goodbye," Hayley instantly said before Amber could continue what she was about to say.

"I'm not, don't worry. But I know that surely there'll come a time where I will have to leave this place. Maybe in three years?" Amber said honestly.

She wasn't planning on simply making her own company. She will start it here but she will need to spread it out and make sure that it will stand in one of the major countries. And if the contract were pushed through, she will do it first at Ceres country where Wright was the ruling family.

Her plans obviously wouldn't stop here, once her company becomes well established to the point that she would be able to make it stand in Celestial country, then she would be able to continue to the second half of her plan.

Thinking up to this point she couldn't help but to sigh last night, she needs to do it fast, the ten years felt like it wouldn't be enough. But she must do it and that is the only way she would be able to go up against the Price empire, which has hundreds of years of history.

"Three years?" she was brought back to reality when she heard Hayley speak sadly of the years she just spoke of.

Looking up she noticed how the three of them had a tinge of sadness in their eyes and faces, she couldn't help but be moved upon seeing this. Despite only knowing her for a good few weeks they were already affected by her telling them that she would also have to leave.

"There are so many secrets that I hide and those secrets won't allow me to just stay here and sit idly. I need to go back to where I really came from in order to get back everything," she said full of resoluteness.

"Then you will finish your studies and leave?" Elloise asked upon hearing the severity of Amber's decision.

"Yes, I wanted to create my own company with my name Amber Wood. I wanted it to start off and become renowned in every country out there."

Seeing her eyes flash with determination, Hayley and Alissa couldn't help but to be affected.

"Then..." Hayley started as she suddenly hold Amber's hands.

"I will make sure that I'll have my own clothing line and spread it as well to the other countries. By then surely we will meet again."

"Me too... I will become an A list model with business management as my backing. I will become famous in every country out there," Alissa followed determination also filling both their eyes.

Amber was first astonished before she broke into a happy smile, "Then lets spend this three years as best as we can while starting off with what we wanted to do. Even students can do something to begin what they want right?"

Hayley and Alissa looked at each other and grinned before lifting their cup of coffee, "Lets toast to mark this day. The day three prominent figures in the world began their journey."

Amber smiled and lifted her own cup as well, toasting with them. Elloise who was watching them couldn't help but feel grateful towards Amber. If she didn't come, these two girls would remain the same, only dreaming of one day bringing up the hotel and getting back at the people who turned their back at them.

She didn't want them to be burdened by the hotel. She wanted them to spread their wings and climb higher. Star country is just a small country, if possible she wanted them to achieve more outside of this small cage.

"I know you three will achieve whatever it is that you wanted," she commented as she look happily at the three of them.

Unbeknownst to them, the determination they have today would actually be paid off and soon, the names Amber, Hayley and Alissa would be known all through out the countries. Including the biggest, Celestial Country where only prominent figures could stay.


"Such a small place," a young lady who just came out of the arrival area of the airport closest to city A, where the others were, commented as she look around.

'I won't let that woman take advantage of my brother because of me. I'll take the medicine from her but I will make sure that she would have a different reward. Such viciousness, I won't allow it,' she had this thought as she walk out of the airport and hailed a taxi.

Rental taxi would go in any city as long as you have the money, the city where the airport is, is known as City B. It was just eight hours by car to arrive to City A, it was a long drive but it was already the closest to City A.

City A was flourishing indeed but since it started off as a commercialized place, buildings were first built before they could think of putting an airport. The plot of lands that still have nothing on it, were actually owned by Wright Empire.

They have took this in order to maintain a few trees that could preserve the environment. So that not everything would be buildings.

The driver was first perplexed upon seeing such a young girl, but somehow this was not uncommon.

"City A please and I trust that you are a trustworthy person so please refrain from thinking anything just because I am a child, thank you very much," the young girl said as she looked outside the window.

The driver was a trustworthy one indeed, he had been in the business for so long and was a righteous person. So from the start he had no desire of doing anything to this young girl who act so mature. He just shrugged and started driving towards City A.


"What do you mean she might come here? Didn't we just spoke about everything yesterday?" Ashton stood up abruptly upon hearing his mother's worried voice.

"We have no idea but one way or another she heard of the news, by the time that people around here realized it, she was already gone. You have to look for her Ashton, she may know how to administer her own medicine but we have no idea how things would turn out," Liana said.

"I understand, I shall mobilize everyone around here to look for her. One way or another she would surely arrive here. Don't worry mother and just finish everything then follow. I guess we need to hire new body guards for her, they didn't even realize that their young miss have gone missing. Too much for a bodyguard of a Royal family."

After the phone call, Ashton instantly mobilized everyone in order to search for his younger sister.

For the first time in a long while, the people that seemed normal in city A and B, where the airport was, were mobilized. Checking every place their young miss could have gone to.