Horror Movie

As they look around the boutiques, something caught Hayley's eyes.

It was a mint green dress filled with frills and ribbons. With her eyes that was used to looking at clothes, she instantly knew. This dress, only a few could pull it off. Some would look like they are just filled with ribbons.

Other's wouldn't even fit to it.

She walked closer and took a good look to the intricate design, it was a balloon type dress reaching one's knee. The top part have scattered mini ribbons and the lower part was with frills.

It has a matching hat with a big ribbon. Indeed it was obviously of the Loli style.

"Hayley what are you looking at? There's more stores we need to check," Amber called from behind.

Hayley turned around and looked at her meaningfully, this look made Amber confused.

"Amber, just this once. Do me a favor," Hayley said as she cling unto Amber's arm.

"What are you planning?"


She pointed at the dress she was staring at a while ago. She knew if Amber were to wear this, well not in the party, but even just to try it now.

It would totally suit her doll like face. And it would be a once in a life time look.


Understanding what she meant, Amber instantly declined.



"Just try it."




Noticing the two of them, the other four approached and asked what was happening.

"Tell me, don't you think that dress would really suit Amber?" Hayley looked at Blake and suggested.

But not only Blake, even the other three looked back and forth from Amber and the dress. In their mind, Hayley was right, only a few could pull a loli look off and with Amber's doll like face. Surely she would fit into it perfectly.

Amber was about to say no again when her eyes landed on Ashton, there in his eyes, she saw a different glint. Her eyes grew wide at the same time Ashton smirked at her.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, Ashton, don't you dare," she started walking backwards.

But before she could really move, he had already took hold of her hand and pulled her to the dressing room, as if in coordination Hayley took the eye catching dress and pushed it inside with Amber.

"Guys!! This is not funny," she shouted from inside.

"We all have all the time in the world Amber, you can stay there for as long as you want or you can try that dress and allow us to see it," Hayley happily said.

Everytime they would see Amber, she would always have this casual look, a plain tshirt and jeans. They rarely saw her using other types of clothes.

But seeing that eye catching dress, Hayley's mischievousness have been ignited.

"I hate you!!" Amber called out from inside.

"Yes, yes, I know. That is why I love you," was Hayley's reply.

She then gave Ashton a thumbs up, to which he gave her a head tilt.

Of course Blake and Devon would never dare pull Amber in such a way, Alissa and Hayley, on the other hand, would really be no match to her if she really retaliated.

Amber tried to free herself a while ago from his grip but somehow his grip was so strong, though it didn't hurt her, it didn't allow her to pull her hand away.

'Now, I'm regretting being willful towards Ashton. An eye for an eye,' she bitterly laughed at herself and looked at the dress once again.

She was not the girly type in the first place, the dress her parents gifted her was the first she had received in five years. It's not that she hated them but instead, she was just not fond of them.

That is also why between her and Hayley, until now she still couldn't find a dress for the party. Hayley who has a knack for fashion already found one she would use.

As they waited for her to change, the whole lot of them looked around the boutique.

It has three sides to it, one has those frilly dresses, another has those elegant look, while it also has those daring ones. It was a botique that has the variety of clothes, from childish to mature.

"Look who's here. I've heard you were finally invited to grandfather's birthday. You must be excited, for you to run around here looking for a dress," a new incoming customer spotted Hayley and mockingly said. Even her eyes were filled with ridicule.

"Who are you?" Hayley replied for she really didn't recognize this person.

"Acting like you don't recognize me? Well what else can you do? Even uncle, your father, was feeling regretful for having a daughter like you," the lady replied as she looked at Hayley's casual clothes up and down.

Hayley looked at her with furrowed brows, she really couldn't recognize this person. Must be a cousin of hers relying on the fact that she called that man, uncle.

"Being in the bloodline of one of the leading clothing shop in city A, looking like that, even I am asshamed to call you my cousin," she kept going without batting an eyelid.

Hayley couldn't help but to look up and down as well.

What a coincidence, her dress may not be as flashy as what Amber was changing into, but the design was of the loli style.

Hayley couldn't help but sneer, she looked like she was trying hard with acting cute, "With your face I suggest you go and change to a gothic style. That would really suit you better."

They didn't notice that Amber have already came out and sat down beside Ashton, but since the bench was close to the mannequin displays, she looked like she had blended in with them.

She gestured Ashton to remain quiet as she watch this woman humiliate Hayley.

"You dare insult me with your outfit today? You must just be jealous, this were once the clothes you have wanted to wear but uncle didn't even by you one."

Indeed even now, Hayley have some longing for such dresses, it was simply too cute and attractive but she knew her own limitation, the reason she wanted that man to buy her, was for it to be a reference with some ideas in her mind.

This is also the reason, the dress caught her attention in the first plce.

As she opened her mouth to say something, the lady raised her hand to stop her and looked on the side, acting high and mighty that she was showing, she had wasted too much time on Hayley.

But by the time she did look sideways, she spotted Ashton who was just sitting on the sofa.

Of course Blake, Devon and Alissa have already approaced them but didn't speak up for they knew Hayley can handle herself with such little opponent. So the lady didn't knew she had companions with her.

The lady "cutely" sat down on the other side of Ashton and smiled sweetly at him.

"I am Lily Brown, your Ashton right? The student council president of Computer Science Department? I am currently a second year student at the Fashion Designing Department."

The other four turned agape, first they never thought that there was such a shameless person.

Indeed Brown was a family with quite some prestige but that was all.

As for what made them shock even more, was the fact that Amber have already changed and was sitting silently beside Ashton. And the fact that she was not moving didn't allow them to notice her at all.

Ashton didn't even glanced at Lily, he was focused on his phone. He was just sitting there normally with his casual black shirt and blue jeans. But even that exuded so much appeal that even the other store attendants couldn't keep their eyes off him.

Seeing as he was not looking at her, Lily extended her hand, "I-"

Just as she spoke again the lights of the boutique suddenly flickered and since it was in the innermost part of the mall, natural brightness couldn't really enter. The store would turn quite dark when the lights would turn off.

Lily didn't know what was going on but she must be lucky, she could use this chance to act like a weak lady to Ashton who was just beside her.

But before she could do so, another cold hand grabbed unto her hand that was extended and just as the lights flickered, Amber was facing Lily from the other side of Ashton and slowly tilted her head to the side.

Her emotionless look and her cold hands, matching with the light coming from Ashton's phone, lighting up her face. The whole ordeal looked like that of a horror movie.

Even the attendants and her friends who was also startled by the flickering of light, couldn't help but gasp and have a sharp intake of air.

As for Lily?


Yes she shrieked so loud, Ashton who was closest to her felt his head exploding, even Amber who scared her felt like her soul have left her.