Let Off Some Steam

"No," Leslie replied without hesitation.

Amber looked back at the man smugly, "Anymore words?"

The man became more furious as he no longer care about his wound that was still bleeding.

"Who the hell do you think you are? This is between me and Leslie, you have no right to interfere."

"Yeah yeah whatever, but Leslie is my friend and don't even think I didn't notice the look you gave her during gym class."

All of a sudden her nonchalant demeanor disappeared, "A man like you have no right to be furious, just with one look I can tell that you are but a bad news."

Her eyes were squinted as she looked at him coldly. Blake who was standing in front of them felt chills coming from behind, as he couldn't help but gulp.

"I have no qualms at leaving those I don't know alone, they can do all the crimes they want and I wouldn't even bat an eyelid. But I don't mind playing around with you since you crossed a line you shouldn't have."

Her voice turned colder and colder that even Leslie was finding her someone she didn't know. She never expected that the person who seemed so lazy at times but also too serious at times, to have this side on her.

Even the man couldn't help but to have a step back as she spoke.

"So either you leave this place now or we can battle it out ourselves?" this time she smiled so sweetly to the point that it was already scary.

Blake have finally left her front and started walking behind Devon.

"This girl, this girl is really crazy. Her switches are truly something else," he then whispered to Devon who could only nod.

"It was her who followed me, now you're telling me I am the one troubling her?" the man finally found his voice once again.

"Did you?" she asked Leslie.

"No. I didn't know he was in that university and all I wanted was to get in the best university. If I knew I wouldn't have chose that place. It was already hard enough to finally stay away from this jerk, I wouldn't risk it no matter how courageous I am," her words were full of hatred.

They were known to be childhood friends, but the moment he entered junior high, he started changing and becoming creepy. He would tell her what she must do in every single thing.

She would even find him tailing her, at such a young age she was at first feeling fine but soon she became scared of him.

She was so scared to the point that she no longer want to leave the house, if he didn't make a fuss outside their house, then his and her parents wouldn't have known.

With that his family left the neighbor hood and went to another city. Back then they lived at City D. She never thought that it would be at City A where they would actually meet again.

She was frightened at the same time disgusted upon seeing him today. Who would have thought that he had followed her to their restaurant.


"Stop, I was in a happy mood and seeing you act like a gangster, my mood completely dampened. Another word from you and the knife I throw next might ended up hitting you in the head," Amber interrupted him.



Everyone was once again shock, they didn't know where but she was actually holding another knife and the moment he opened his mouth she threw it like nothing, giving him another wound in his cheeks.

The knife was then once again pinned on the wall behind him.

"Stay away from her. Stay far away from her, or I wouldn't hold back just as I did right now."

The man no longer said anything as he run away, but she knew he would surely return to cause trouble. But just as she look at Ashton...

"Yes, expel him from the school. Violence outside school that would cause its reputation," he was already on the phone speaking to Carl.

"I want his whole family to leave the city and for his parents to know that the reason is because of his actions," Devon was also already on the phone.

"I really have nothing to do," Blake shook his head as he listen to his friends.

"Wh- Why are you helping me this much?" Leslie could no longer hold it in and asked as she watch the three great idols of the university speak.

"Oh, because I have a favor from you," Amber replied with all the coldness dispelled.

"But, let's talk about it tomorrow. Your parents are looking worriedly at you," she pointed to the end of the hallway with her chin.

Indeed her parents and some customers were just watching from afar in fear of the three young masters.

The night ended with an apology from Amber, this way the incident no longer included Leslie but instead became a conflict by outsiders not allowing this to affect the restaurant's reputation.

Upon sitting on the car, Amber finally realized the look Devon and Blake are giving her.

Ashton was the one driving while she was on the passenger seat. Blake and Devon were sitting at the back giving her a weird look.


"Are you actually a secret agent? Or an assassin? Or something along those lines?" Blake asked her as he moved away from her.

Amber was first speechless before she started laughing, "Why would you be asking such kind of question?"

"Say just how old are you really?"


"You... Ashton have you any idea of who you are engaged to?" feeling exasperated, Blake couldn't help but ask Ashton instead.

"A bit."

"What do you mean a bit?"

"I have an idea that she can hold knives pretty well."

"Oh, how did you come up with that?" even Amber was looking at him curiously upon hearing his reply.

"You have a dart board in your room but I haven't seen any dart pins with you. Plus the marks in it were lines instead of holes."

All three somehow have an enlightened look upon hearing his explanation.

"Why are you enlightened as well?" Blake looked at Amber and asked flabbersgasted.

"I didn't think about it that much. So his explanation enlightened me as well."

"So you're saying that you were only shock about her handling a gun?" Devon asked returning to their normal topic.

Ashton just nodded before returning his full attention to the road.

They first send Amber to the hotel before returning to the university.

"Thanks for today, I was really able to let off some steam," Amber happily waved them goodbye as Blake went to the passenger seat.

She watched the car until it disappeared into the distance. With a sigh she returned to her room.

The hotel was currently doing great, they are planning to have some renovations in another two months or so. Starting with the highest floors before the lower ones.

But the penthouse would remain as is.

Their stocks are slowly rising as well. Compared to Fire Empire Hotel that was still slowly plummeting, their's were slowly climbing.

And obviously, Hayley's paternal family have tried looking for them not believing what they have just heard in the party.

Even using the cliche plot of Hayley's grandfather being hospitalized and wanting to see his grand daughter.

Amber really wanted to give them a round of applause for such stupid plots. No wonder despite being in the clothing industry for so long, they were still in a stagnant stage.

They couldn't open shops on another country. And all their influence remained within Star Country.

"Geez don't tire yourself out with such annoying insects, just ignore them and you don't have to tell us what you do with them," Hayley was shock to be called by Amber to inform them that she had kicked out those people.

"You know, I still need your permission to do whatever I want. This is after all your hotel."

With that, she no longer held back and even blacklisted that family from entering the hotel.

As for Fire Empire? Their shareholders tried to meet with her. They knew that currently she is the main person in the hotel.

But why would she give face to those people who only knew how to plot from behind?

So all the meeting was rejected the moment it was asked.

"Don't act too high and mighty. You are but a newbie here. You must give yourself a way out," one of them could no longer hold it in and told her angrily.

"Newbie? If I remember correctly it was your hotel, that was a newbie. Our hotel might be smaller in size but it has longer standing in this city compared to yours," she gave a smirk before flipping her hair and leaving them in front of Snow Fall Hotel.

They might think that she was just leaving them alone but in reality she was already half way of getting all the evidences of their past doings.

Since its been years not every record could be there but just finding the people involve was as easy as flicking her finger.

In regards to this, she had to ask for the other's people for some of these people were already in another city.