Pillar Of Support

"So we're free? But I really want to know what happened inside," Aldger said after hearing Blake's description of Ashton sleeping soundly in Amber's lap.

Wasn't it that it was not yet ten minutes when she entered?

Where was the demon lurking inside?

The soldiers nodded their heads in agreement, the first time they met their boss's fiance, it was already this domineering?

As one, all of them watched as Devon took a laptop and checked the CCTV inside the office.

One by one, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Such small frame but with such daring aura. She actually went head on with their boss that was in full mode blood thirsty?

"Yup, I will only accept her as our sister-in-law," Blake said as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.

They never thought that she could actually tame Ashton this much. After what had happened to Carl more than a month ago, they never saw him this much at peace.

"But when did she arrive?" Aldger, who for the first time saw Amber in person, asked in wonder.

"And what was with the mask?" Blake asked again.

"Did we miss something?" Devon tilted his head in curiosity.

As they disperse and ponder how in the hell did that 16 year old girl grew up so much, Amber remained seated browsing her phone.

'His features have truly developed a lot for the past six years,' she looked down at the man sleeping in her lap.

His looks could be among the top, his looks could make anyone fall for him. Together with the cold aura surrounding him, it won't push anyone away, instead it might actually cause more women to get close to him.

She opened her camera and took a picture of him. He was facing up and so she can capture his face as a whole.

'The mole underneath his right eye was truly eye catching. It gives him a different charm,' she added in her mind as she took about ten pictures.

After admiring his face for quite a while and seeing as he was not going to wake up any time soon, she knew he must be completely drained.

She could only sigh, even she wanted to sleep. For the past month, she actually didn't have that much of sleep as well. In order to prepare everything, she had to pull some all nighters.

At times she could only sleep for about five to six hours when she felt like she was about to collapse.

And seeing his peaceful looking face as he sleeps, she couldn't help but to have her eye lids drop as well.


Around four hours after falling asleep, Ashton woke up to see her sleeping face.

He slept for a short while and since he was not completely comfortable because the sofa was small, he could only wake up.

Upon opening his eyes, he was a bit stunned to see her sleeping while her head was propped on her hand that was placed on the arm rest.

She looks completely uncomfortable but her body subconsciously stopped her from moving too much in order not to wake him up.

Amber woke up upon feeling the weight on her lap disappear. Looking at the side, Ashton have just sat up. He was planning on carrying her to the rest area in the office.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" she asked as she rub her eyes.

"When did you arrive?" Ashton instead asked.

"A month ago?"

He frowned, she had been here for a month and they had no idea?

"Anyway, let's talk about that some other time. I'll borrow, five of your best people. I'll be getting back at the Barbers tomorrow," she changed the topic as she try to massage her legs that went numb.

Ashton pulled her legs and started massaging it himself. Making her completely sit down on the sofa while her feet are on his laps.

"You don't have to," he replied.

Currently he was completely down, but gone was his murderous aura.

"Oh I really want to. Just trust me for this one, I'll make him kneel in front of Carl's tomb before tomorrow ends."

"Was that the reason why you have been here for a month now? Who told you?" he looked at her but his hands didn't stop moving.

He knew it was his fault that her legs and thigh are currently sore.

"I was called a few days after his burial."

For the first time after arriving here, she had finally shown sadness in her face to someone else.

Ashton scoffs, "I'm such a pathetic man. Couldn't even save those who are important to me. We were so focused on trying to reason out with the police, who would have thought someone else have their own plans?"

When the raid came and everyone was busy reasoning out with them, Carl was actually in the storage area, so he was not informed of what was happening.

He and Jacob were the ones in charge of the shipment, he had actually noticed that something was amiss when they returned back then.

He started his own investigations within the company and by the time he realized something was wrong with Jacob, Jacob have called the police.

Carl was planning to tell what he noticed to Ashton on that same day.

When they arrived on the storage where everything were placed, Carl was lying in a pool of blood. His head was shot and a gun was on his hand.

For outsiders it may seem that he had suicide, being guilty enough of smuggling those weapons.

After that all blames were instead placed on him, since Ashton and the others were young masters of prominent families, him being a royal.

They tried to tell the police that it couldn't be Carl but no one would want to risk it. Jacob was after all blood related to the Cooper Empire, while Carl was just a butler or assistant.

"I tried searching for any evidence but to no avail. Someone from the Cooper Empire must have wiped it out," Ashton's hands stopped moving after saying this.

Amber was silent, she was thinking herself.

"I've heard you're planning to enter the underworld. Why not focus on that for now? Leave them to me, they will never get away with what they have done."

After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up not saying what she had actually thought.

"Especially since you are being criticized in the outside world right now, suddenly attacking the Barbers. Why not try to pull your name outside the mud for now?"

She pulled her legs away and sat properly.

"You are still young, we are still young. Surely with staying level headed and maturing after all this downfalls, we would make sure no one will suffer the way he did."

Wright Empire obviously knew that it had always been Jacob. He was the one who truly smuggled those weapons. Carl have always been upright, adding to the fact that he was not around for four years.

Amber stood up when Ashton remained silent with his fists clenched tightly. She stood in front of him as he sat there.

"I will get back at them for all of us."

She hugged him after saying this, Ashton was unmoving first before he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head on her stomach.

His shoulders slowly started trembling, Amber could only hug him tight. He had always hugged her when she was suffering the most. This time it was her turn.

This day marked the start of the Lord of the underworld's rise to the top. Modified guns that were among the top, people who was completely loyal only to him and their strength that was among the best.

Five years from now, he had matured to the point of the him today no longer visible. Wright Empire was under him and the hotels and schools under it prospered even more.

He became even more closed off from the world and only a few could speak with him. Those who mocked him today tried to befriend him but to no avail.

Even the police force couldn't really do anything once his group bared their fangs.

Ashton became a completely different person, the aura of maturity and strength surrounding him was incomparable. He had surpassed Gideon Wright in leading the Wright Empire.

The tarnished name of their family was pulled out of the mud and was once again in an equal footing with the other four.

Wright may still be a royal now but they are actually having quite some difficulties because of his rushness.

He pulled their name down but he also pulled it up five years from now. Pulling it into a higher new level compared to the past.

He became Amber's pillar of support with all her plans. He unconditionally supported her and helped her in every way possible.

She was able to keep moving forward because of his support, without a care for some things, she was able to stand at the top of Celestial Country.