Her Very Own Evil Smile

Nathan and Sarah looked at Kyle and Liana helplessly, Amber had been crying for the past ten minutes as she hold unto Ashton's hand.

He was her first friend as well, being a smart child her grandfather and great garandfather made her study despite being young.

Even her cousins were full of jealousy that she really didn't have any friend.

The first outsider she became acquainted with was Ashton. So now, knowing that they are about to go home, she had been crying as she didn't want to.

The days were so short for a kid like her.

"Would you be forgetting me someday?"

Just as everyone was about to coax her to let him go, she finally asked.

Ashton was first shocked before he smiled at her and placing a hand on top of her head.

"Don't worry for I will not forget you," his eyes were pure and still have that innocent look in them.

He looks at her with warmth and tenderness.

He found this young child a sweet one, whenever she smiles, it felt like the whole surrounding would light up as well.

"You promise?" she sniffed as she asked once again.

Ashton smiled and wiped the remnant of tears in her eyes and cheeks, "I promise, no matter how long I will never forget you and the time we spent together."

Amber didn't spoke but raised her little pinky finger, knowing what she wants Ashton made a pinky promise to her.

The only reason he had forgotten or didn't know that it was actually Amber who saved him back then was because the person he saw who saved him was his father.

And when they were telling him about it, he was still disoriented.

After listening to this story, Amber's face became even redder.

"You haven't change, have you?"

He looked down at her with a teasing voice.

"You made me promise not to forget you but in the end it was that crying child who forgot about me," he shook his head as he continued.

Amber didn't speak, her memories of that time was a happy one for her, but since she was still quite young she didn't remember everything.

But she knew she had another brother like figure back then, someone she enjoyed the presence of.

"Well, the moment I saw you, you were already very much different from the person back then. How do you expect me to recognize you?"

Amber finally retorted, her sickness was also what affected her memories. That despite being smart the memory of that time was so vivid.

"Plus, you also didn't recognize me back then."

"Amber colored eyes plus chest nut colored hair, quite way different from your look back in the day right? I never forgot the young Nathalie Price, I only found out that it was you when you finally said your story."

"But... just as I have said, your parents haven't left you completely so don't think in such a way."

Both of them were standing just outside the gate to the villa.

"And just as I have promised you back then, I will also promise to you on the same place, I will never leave you."

Amber stared straight at his eyes and she can see the resolve in it, "Why me?"

He smiled as he placed a lock of hair behind her ears, "Because it is you. The you who always dive right in when the people around you are being hurt."

A few moments later, Amber started laughing, "Wow."

He raised an eyebrow upon hearing this. She was the one who suddenly became sentimental and down, but now that he answered her questions she just laughed at him?

"You two are really siblings, somehow you have lifted my spirits whenever it would plummet down," her eyes twinkled.

The same as when she got mad over Luis Cooper, Ashley have lifted her spirit the same way as Ashton now where her mood plummet because of Carla Ansel.

"Maybe it runs in your blood? My mother told me that whenever she was down she always have this one doctor friend who could lift her spirit with just her words."

"Now I know that it must have been ma'am Liana Wright. I somehow felt the same way towards you siblings."

Ashton looked back at the villa as he knew that she had finally returned to normal.

"You're not going in? My parents said that when your parents passed the key to them, everything inside have not changed. For almost twenty years nothing have changed inside."

Amber looked at him before looking at the villa, she then shook her head, "I want to enter it again together with my brothers."

"And if there won't come a time the three of us would return to the time where there was no hate. I'd rather that the last memory of this place was harmonious."

"Instead of me entering on my own with our relationship drifting apart."

She then looked back at him, "But then I should thank you. Seeing this somehow calmed me even more. That there is reason for everything. Not just hate but also love in what I was doing."

"My love for my parents who was killed unjustly and my love for the people around me who are being toyed around by the people with power."

"Then what should I do with this key?"

It was none other than the key of the gates and the doors of the villa.

This key was given to him by Liana when they first visited them after Amber moved in with him.

"Can I hold unto it for now?"

"This was yours and your brothers in the first place. But seeing the current attitude of your brothers, the key should be left with you for now."

She happily accepted them, she never knew that this place would still be here after so long. It was still the same quiet place as what she can still remember.

There were no development around it either. So the trees gave the surrounding area a fresher air than the ones around the city center.

A wind blew past them and Amber couldn't help but shiver, her jacket was not enough to shield her from the cold wind. Especially since it was already night.

"Let's go back now," Ashton removed his own windbreaker and placed it on her shoulder before walking back to his motorbike.

Amber didn't try to return it for she really was cold.

'I should have worn a lose pants instead of this knee length one. I really underestimated the cold.'

"Stop talking with yourself and let's go," Ashton called out to her as he passed her the other helmet.

Amber just pouted no longer willing to argue with him, before riding behind him.

She didn't wait for him to pull her hands and went ahead and wrapped her arms around his waist.

This time she didn't close her eyes and instead watched the scene before her as they sped away through the night.

The night lights were shinning right in front of her eyes. And she found them truly beautiful.

Upon returning home, they went their separate ways and just as Amber finished changing after a shower. She heard a knock on her door.

"Let me help you reapply the medicine for your burn."

She sat down by the couch and pulled up her pajama pants sleeve. She knew if she told him she'll do it, he won't allow it.

"Their theme is violet right?" she asked upon remembering the invitation.

"I suppose, it was the color of the envelope."

Amber nodded, she'll have to contact Jake France for her wear. He was after all a renowned designer that when it comes to his designs on evening gowns, all of them were unique.

"Should I be prepared on what you might suddenly do when we get there?" Ashton asked upon seeing the smile on her face.

"Hey I'm not that bad as to wreck havoc everywhere I go. I was just thinking of asking aunt Jacqueline for my wear, I have heard that Madison actually loves his designs."

"How did you heard of it?"

Amber just shrugged and didn't speak a word of it, for before she actually went in to take a shower she just checked Madison for a bit.

After they each bid each other goodnight she called Jake France.

"Hello dear, I have heard what you have done over there," was his words right after answering.

"What did I do?"

"Oh please, that was quite cruel, despite the coldness of the season you made Jacob Barbers kneel for how many days outside. But it's kind of refreshing as well, hearing about it."

Amber laughed upon hearing his reply.

"And what do you want this time?"

"I'm just wondering if a Madison Stevens contacted you for some dresses?"

"Oh, is there something wrong with that lady? I have indeed got a call."

Amber smiled upon hearing this.

"Did she give you a date?"

"Well she had, it was her wedding."

"And did some other ladies ordered as well?"

"I really am curious as to why you are asking, but I don't have the time to create so many pieces for a date such as a week from now. So I declined the others and only accepted the one for the bride."

Amber smiled so sweetly that if Blake and the others were to see it, they would surely know that this was her very own evil smile.