So This Work Of Art?

Amber looked at them alternatingly before she opened her mouth.

"SNN a month from now, will have two divisions."

"Two divisions?" Leslie asked.

"Yes, two divisions. We need to accept the reality Leslie, even with your capabilities, we are actually quite lacking on one side of our products," she replied.

"Hey I am trying my best in here," she complained upon hearing this.

"Don't take offense, even I myself have difficulties on this side, that is why among all our products, this particular one was always released at long intervals," Amber explained.

"What product is that then?" this time it was Brian who asked.

"The reason why I didn't stop Ashton from hiring you. You are a blessing from heaven you know, I was already planning on searching for one but then you were presented right in front of us."

Her smile turned a bit like that of a scammer who succeeded in scamming someone.